Nov.26th 2023, Mini meetup in Shanghai

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Shanghai(上海)
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Starbucks-Room 116-117, No.9, Lane 3999, Lianhua South Road, Minhang District(闵行区莲花南路3999弄星巴克)
:calendar: DATE: Nov. 26th,2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 13:00-17:00

:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
1.We will distribute the following two postcards on meetup for sending. There is no limit to the number of cards each person can receive, but in addition to the two free pieces each, you need to pay for the corresponding printing costs. The printing process will be transparent and open to the public, and the promoter will not charge any extra cost other than printing.

2.The purpose of the gathering was for building friendship and sending postcards, and everyone present was welcome to bring their own card as well!

3.If you are interested in these meet-up cards, please message below. The meet-up cards will also be used for swapping on Xiaohongshu, Weibo, WeChat.

4.These postcards are from licensed artwork by @Double Seven and @Jia世界第一可爱, many thanks:D
这一次的片图来自于@Double Seven 和@Jia世界第一可爱的官方授权图!非常感谢!

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Hi, I’m fascinated by these cards! Maybe someone could swap with me for all 3? Or at least some of them?

My swap box: postcards to swap – Google Drive

Long time no see! I’d love to swap if possible:)

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Hello! I’d really like to exchange the third postacrd. Here’s my swap album:

Yay! I’m so excited:)

Hello, I’d love to exchange with you but I can’t open this link. It shows that the homepage is only available to authorized users.



Swap found

Of course! May I have these?

Hello! Does it work now?

If not, I’ll try another way

Sorry, I still can’t open this link. It may need registration but I can’t register it :sob:Sorry

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Don’t worry! I’ll try another way and sent you a new link :slight_smile:

I’m sorry for the trouble :pensive: