Nov.26th 2023- Guangzhou Holiday PC Meetup in Canton

:world_map: PROVINCE: Guangdong
:world_map: CITY: Guangzhou
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: STARBUCKS COFFEE in Hengbao Square
:calendar: DATE: 2023.11.26
:alarm_clock: TIME: 10:00-12:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
Hello, everyone! We are postcrossingers from Guangzhou Holiday Meetup. Through consideration, We gonna have the 41st meetup about Cantonese Opera in Guangzhou in Cantonese Opera Day.

Registration Fee : Free
Offer: 2 designed meetup postcards
Request : Bring stamps, seals(or pens) by yourself

Activities :

1.Introduce yourself to others participants
2.Write postcards
3.Share your experience with others
4.Go to visit the Cantonese Opera Art Museum

If you’re interested to these meetup cards, feel free to leave your message!
Thank you!


Cute cards

1 Like

I would like to receive a postcard from the meetup… I can send one from Italian meet up
I really like the first postcard

Hello, can anyone attend this offline Meetup? :smile: :smile:

你好~感谢你对老广团活动的关注!本次线下联名报名环节已经结束,不接受额外的报名。如想获取老广团最新的联名信息,可以微博关注@老廣盞鬼假期聯名團 或者加入我们微信活动群。祝好!

Hi! The second card is so beautiful, does anyone want to exchange?

PM sent!

swap found

Hello! I can swap them with you.