Not registering cards as "punishment" method?

Never heard or thought of it. Seems petty and childish.

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True that. I always thought my unregistered cards were dead in a puddle or under a post office desk or god knows where… or lying on the desk of a recipient who decided they are no longer interested in Postcrossing and cannot even be bothered to register it (such is life. I hardly ever think that they are dead or seriously ill, I am not the kind of person who first thinks that even when I don’t hear from friends or family - I just think they are busy. Though once I had a postcard registered by someone who apologised for the delay as she had been in hospital for a few weeks).


I have seen several profiles, where was stated, that handmade or another types of postcards will not be registered, as the person doesn’t like them. I wrote to Postcrossing support and they made that people to change the profile. But will they register such postcards - noone knows.
As for me - I register each card the day I get it.


The number of expired cards traveling to each account is monitored by the system, so anyone who does not register all of their cards (and thus has higher than usual expired to them) is putting their account at risk. There may be a very few users who do this, but I believe it is a rare occurrence.

If I see threats on profiles about not registering certain cards, I report the profile. I think I only came across this once or twice in my 10+ years on Postcrossing.


I have also become very disappointed with people on Postcrossing. I’ve had people complain that I sent a card that they already had or didn’t like what I sent. When I get an address to send a card and I read the profile I see many people are very demanding in their profiles about what they want or don’t want. I’m also getting messages from people telling me how I should vote and who they or the people in their country don’t like here in America. Postage here in America isn’t cheap even for a postcard and it starts to add up fast. I don’t want to spend a lot of money on people who are going to be ungrateful. Our postal system here has also turned political and can’t be trusted. I always thought that Postcrossing should be about reaching out to make a connection with someone around the world and say a friendly hello. So I’ve decided to pause Postcrossing for now and see what the future will hold even though it saddens me to do so.


That is sad but in some ways I know what you mean, I haven’t really got any unpleasantness towards me but I don’t like the requests and demands so when I get too many I slow down for a bit.
Your postal system has sadly not been helpful.
I would like to suggest that maybe you can look into some forum activities so that you can keep sending and receiving - some tags and RRs are quite geared to collectors or specific requests, but some are not so there is (should be? I never encountered any problems but I don’t do much of that) mutual understanding that it is all for the personal connection. Just a thought for you to consider!

No justice or harm can be done by “not registering”. It’s just a childish tantrum that achieves nothing.

If I were to punish a sender (which is highly unlikely to begin with), I would still register card, but leave a well-constructed response message to the sender.

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Hello elikoa,
Thank you for your suggestions. I was part of a RR group here in the USA but that group had several members who were using that group to push their political and social agendas. I suggested to the person who runs the group to keep it clear of such things as that and I was meet with hostility by several members in that group. I left that group and I only have occasional contact with a couple of the members still. I didn’t join Postcrossing for political or social agenda debates. Enough of that can be found on social media but I also quit Facebook for the same reason. I guess it is the times we are living in now. I don’t see things changing with people anytime soon but I can always hope people will return to civility in the future.


I see - I have only taken part in one RR ever and it is ongoing so I have yet to receive postcards and only one of mine made it so far, so I am not that experienced. Of course it will depend on the group and the individuals. It seems to me that Postcrossing aims to keep as free as possible from politics and the like, because it could make things sour really quickly. With the single interaction of official cards, it seems really the best way - I don’t need to know if others agree with me or not, and for the purpose of a simple postcard interaction, it doesn’t matter.

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Well, at least for official Postcrossing, have you turned off the “Send and receive from your own country” option? That could at least help to get less political content. To be honest, I almost never receive anything political, even though I state some political things in my interests.

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Yeah, when I was in the US for a while I turned on the cards from my own country option and lived to regret it :laughing: I think I turned it off after only a few months and not that many cards.


Hello Axoloti,
Yes, I do have the option set to not receive postcards from my own country. To be honest most of the political negativity I have received is from Germany. I have been getting it when they respond to postcards I have sent to them or written on the postcards I receive. I have also gotten private messages from them too. I never write anything political on my profile or in the cards I send. I only write about where I’m from and my hobbies.

Oh okay, I’m sorry for that. I’d never mention another country’s politics on a card unless asked. Sad to hear that some Postcrossers are spamming you with it.

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I not only have heard of this, but also had read it in a profile of a postcrosser, that she will not register it, if the motive of a postcard won’t meet her set specifications. I hesitated to report this entry and did not, because I felt that this would put it up to a level far away from the “joy-sparking”-Idea of postcrossing. Sure it is a mean behavior and effects that the sender has to wait longer for new adresses. If “there has to be done something about” is necessary, why not get in contact with such a member in a kind but firmly way, pointing to the rules? I think interacting is here very much the best way. And first after this was done, this one should be reported.

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We feel like this conversation is not being very productive and slowly getting off-topic… so I’m going to close this now.

Before I do so, I would like to reassure everyone that Postcrossing measures all the postcards that are not registered on the site and that if we notice fishy statistics, the accounts are dealt with according to the situation.

Not registering received postcards is against the Community Guidelines, so please do report profiles that threaten not to do so here.