New Italian stamp about Queen Elizabeth : do you like it or no?

  • I love it!
  • Meh, I don’t like and don’t dislike it
  • It’s orrible!

0 voters

The Italian postal service just issued a stamp to commemorate Queen Elizabeth. The result made me (and many other Italian postcrossers) puzzled, because we were hoping for something different.

So I was curious to know what other people think of this stamp, and if you would like to receive it on cards from Italy


I like it! I like the fact a country would honour a foreign ruler. She obviously had more of an impact than we thought. Very kind of Italy. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


This stamp has a denomination for Europe and this is very pleasing!!! I like it, it isn’t the most beautiful, but considering that there are very few stamps for Europe, it is wonderful and I hope it will be sold not only in philatelic departments :smiley::it:


I like it, too, and also think it is a privilege for our Queen to be honoured by another nation in this way. Quite unexpected but good.


Actually, I was quite surprised that the Italian Post Office issued such a stamp. But then she was quite a remarkable woman - not just for the Brits.


Very interesting that Italy honors the British Queen! But why not🙂
I like the stamp because it shows her development and duration of her regency!


I am interested in getting one of this Queen Elizabeth II stamp. It is quite nice and I like they are comparing her portrait from the earliest to the last.

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I’d love to receive one on a postcard, but I love everything Queen Elizabeth II related :crown: x


I feel like the people who don’t like it are protesting against the effects of ordinary aging on a women. She was a lovely young woman at the beginning of her reign and an unapologetic matriarch by the end. She was so much more than her profile or her beauty! As an older woman I feel quite pleased at this reminder that women don’t just need to be beauties to have power and importance.


I don’t agree with you. Your opinion is quite a limited for my ears. I’m not protesting against anything. I’m proud of my age (now 58) and I’am waiting to become older and older in the peace in my mind. And I respect older women as well as older men.
But I don’t like that italian stamp.


I like it! It’s simple and effective. I wonder if there is some symbolism in the colours? Does anyone know?

I am in agreement with @Kotona. Not liking the issue has nothing to do with protest. Nothing. Many countries have produced stamp honoring British Royals (Marriages, Anniversaries, Coronations, etc.). But the one thing these countries share is that they are or were members of the British Commonwealth. Italy to the best of my knowledge was never a member of that Commonwealth.

I would put this stamp in the same class as Sub-Sahara countries issuing stamps about Winter Olympics. Or stamps of Fauna that are not native to the countries issuing them.


Well, personally I don’t like the stamp veyr much, but that has nothing to do with the aging. Simply, I would have preferred a stamp with a real picture of her in her last years, like other countries did.


I didn’t find any explanation about the colors. The stamp description on the Poste Italiane website just says the queen is depicted in five different ages of her life.
I may hypothesize that red, blu and white are the colors of the Union Jack, but it’s just a speculation of mine. I’ll keep looking for an explanation :slight_smile:


Hi, I don’t think that is the problem with the stamp. @cliffside put it best. Since Spain has nothing to do with the British Commonwealth, it seems like the Spanish philatelic department issued this stamp because it knowns it will be popular with collectors. Of course that does not mean that they didn’t want to honour her at the same time.

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This is exactly what has come to my mind, almost a Cinderella

Countries, such as France, Lichtenstein & now Italy have issued QE2 postage stamp.
None of these countries have any connection to the UK and the commonwealth, and the Queen has never been head of state in any of the countries.

As for the stamp, its nice, but not the best, they have essentially taken the Coinage profiles over the years of her reign.


I wonder what the reason was for Italian Post to put an British monarch on one of their stamps?

For me, it’s rare to receive cards from Italy, so I would welcome this stamp on any received postcard. There was also a Italian postage stamp featuring the Gucci flora design – I hope to receive that one too!


Well, indeed it is very rare for the Italian postal service to dedicate a stamp to foreign heads of state, with the exception of Popes.
I can say that Queen Elizabeth was very loved in Italy, and in general all the main events concerning the British monarchy (weddings of William and Harry, jubilee celebrations, funerals of Queen Elizabeth and also previously of Prince Philip, Coronation of King Charles…) are broadcast live on the main national networks.

And certainly, as @nasia pointed out, it is a topic of great interest to philatelic collectors. I can’t blame the Italian postal service on this point.


Personally I wouldn’t want stamps to be dedicated to her.

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