New font?

I wonder whether the font for the display of the addresses has been altered? Or perhaps I did something stupid and altered it myself? Somehow the script is bolder, and the lines moved closer together, which makes it more difficult to read for me.
Is there a possibility to choose the way the addresses are displayed by oneself?
Thank you very much! :slight_smile:


Ah, I wondered today why an address looked odd. You are right. It has changed!

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I printed an address in Chinese this morning, where the characters (kanji) seemed clearer than previously.

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I’ve noticed it as well - the leading (space between lines) has changed.

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It looked new to me too!

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Yes, I’ve noticed it changed, and I agree that it’s harder to read. I had a Russian address with a lot of numbers and it was very difficult.


I agree that it’s harder to read. There seems to be barely any gap between the lines.


harder to read, especially for people with limited eyesight


Great - it’s back to easily readable again - thanks a lot! :+1: :smiley:


Yes, this font is much easier to read. Thank you very much.

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Oh! Hurray!!

Thank you, that’s so much better!!