✅ New flag of Martinique


I hope everyone is having a great day!

Although the current flag displayed next to Martinique did initially win the contest that the local authorities organised, the creator of the design, Anaïs Delwaulle, decided to withdraw her proposal, following a case of cyberharassment against her. The runner-up of the contest was officially adopted instead by the Assembly of Martinique, on 2 February 2023.

I don’t know whether this is already known to the admins; I decided to post about it only after running a quick search on the Forum and not seeing it mentioned. :slight_smile:


Such a shame! Her proposal is much more interesting


I had to check that I actually knew where Martinique is, because that flag looks very Middle Eastern to me!

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I read up on this and discovered that the original submission featured a hummingbird (colibri) silhouette taken from Shutterstock. (Which doesn’t justify the cyberharassment, of course.) What a pity they couldn’t just commission the creation of a new hummingbird silhouette. It was such a charming idea!

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I saw “Martinique” and “BUGS” and now I have, running in my head on a loop:

Bugs Bunny came to Martinique;
When he arrived, he was pretty meek.
He thought that his knees would buckle in,
His tribulation caused by the penguin.

The penguin builds a boat, on which they both will leave,
And hope that fickle Fate has nothing up her sleeve.

If he should accomplish this daring thing,
A miracle to Martinique Bugs did bring.

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:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:!

And, actually, I saw the first line of your comment and for a second I thought that it must have made you think about the Metropolitan France bedbug infestation and how it could have affected Martinique!

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We have updated the flag for Martinique on the main website.

The flags on the forum come from a third-party plugin that doesn’t have regular updates.