Need your input :)

Hi everybody,

I don’t know if this topic is in the right place, but I need your help and input.

I am currently considering starting my own webshop focused on postcards. Of course I know that there are already quite a few web shops and everyone has their own favorite, thats why this post.

My question is which postcards you absolutely miss and which ones you would still like to be able to buy.
All topics are allowed and nothing is too crazy because at the moment it is an orientation for me as to whether I will go in this direction.

So… what are you still missing in the postcard world?

Greetings, Jessica


Hi from one Dutch Jessica to another :smiley:

O love the idea. I would go all out myself.
When I look at my own ordering history I order here and there and everywhere. For me it is personal I am a cat addict and participate in cat RR groups and cat tag. So I am always searching for original cat postcards.I personally do not especially care for the beloved cat series.

I also order general postcards to send as officials, like mailboxes or Postcrossing or mail related. I also search for themes my postcard penpals collect.

I do not know if my post is helpful at all. But I love your idea and will order from your webshop if you decide to go ahead :heart:

Jessica :hugs: :heart_eyes_cat:


Thank you so much! This post is very helpfull :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

At least in German shops, postcards with sayings are currently the norm. But I personally prefer motifs without text. I like beautiful landscapes, animals of all kinds (not just dogs and cats) and maybe tourist cards with a single view.


I think postcards of cemetaries are missing. Also cards of graves/tombs of famous people! :slightly_smiling_face:

I also think there are too few beautiful flower photography cards available. :cherry_blossom: :hibiscus: :blossom:

I don’t order online, but I would definitely buy them in shops.


Oh yes, I forgot about the cemeteries. I miss them too.


@Robin67 and @GrauBunt do you mean something like this:


Yes, but definitely a little brighter.

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I ordered these postcards from Zazzle and I love them. Would love to be able to find more cemetery/gravestone postcards.


That’s not bad @JessPosset . :+1:

It should definitely say, which cemetary it is and the town/city/village.

If the card is of a famous person’s grave/tomb, it should also give the above information and maybe some info about the singer/painter/actor on the back of the card! :slightly_smiling_face:

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I just love cards with post boxes on them, as all cards I send out start their journey from one.

Regards Andi