National Postcard Week 2021

Had no idea - thanks for letting me know. Would like a card if I may. :innocent:

Ok, wow. I did not know this either ! Iwould love a card! I will pm my address if you have any left. Thank you!

I still got some. PM me your address.

Sure thing. PM your address.

Bikinies and weennies in the background :smile:

I also want to receive such a postcard. Do you still have them? :slightly_smiling_face:

National Postcard week??? I am just now tilting my head sideways like Homer Simpson and drooling! :laughing: :drooling_face:

I would love to get one. Snail Mail from the US would be great. Feel free to send me a PM if one is left.

I’ve send you a PM

HI Josh,

Got your card today. How great! Got your name as well. :slight_smile:

Thanks for posting here and Happy National Postcard Week,


If anyone is interested in trade for National Postcard Week, which is this week, I still have lots of postcards I had printed for our Celebration of the postcard.

If you would like more information about National Postcard Week, go to Facebook search for National Postcard Week or email me at

You can start a National Postcard Week in your country just by getting together with a few friends, plan you dates and your rules. To get started.
Just takes one to get it started.

Happy National Postcard Week,

I have a self-made card as well, feel free to message me if you would like to exchange for a NPCW or non NPCW.

I would be interested in getting a postcard if you still have one and I’m happy to send one back. Let me know, thank you.

Thank you so much for sharing. I received the card, its really cool!

Nice postcard, I was happy to receive it

Hi Josh, I received your ADVENTURE IN POSTCARDS celebrating NPW! So great! Thanks 4 making my day!!

Hi Josh,

I received the postcard. Its so unique and fun.
Thanks and regards

I received the postcard, Josh. Thank you! I am very happy :smiley:

@BrainOfJosh I received your great postcard! :clap:t4: :clap:t4: :clap:t4: Thank you! I hope you enjoyed the event! :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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