Nantong meet up on March 27th 2022

:world_map: PROVINCE: Jiangsu
:world_map: CITY: Nantong
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: building-13 Jin 'an Chongchuan District - 3shishuyuan coffee(3拾书院)
:calendar: DATE: March 27th
:alarm_clock: TIME: 18:30-20:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Share and write cards

The following link shows the pictures we will use.

Hello, do you still have cards to exchange? I really liked this card, I would be glad to exchange ~
My postcards : открытки – 145 Bilder | VK

Yes, I still have it.

oh that’s great. If you like something from my postcards, we can exchange ^^

I like the 3rd card, but I can’t upload the pictures. It is named Гарри Поттер.If you didn’t mind I can send the picture via the email or any other social media.

This card?


Okay, I agree, send me your address please)

Would u like to exchange?

Hi! Which one do you want to exchange?

I like the first picture

ok. I like your last card. Is this the one that will be used in the meetup this June?

No, that one was last year’s pc meetup

This is my address
812 高雄市小港區松華路365號3樓(文心蘭室)
楊寶心 收


Celine Yang
Room Wen Hsin Lan, 3rd Floor, No.365, Songhua Rd, Xiaogang District, Kaohsiung City 812

Send me ur address
