[NA] Food Package Postcard Tag - reduce, reuse, recycle! ♻

Tag @roxy

Tag @SharonMI
(I have your address)

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Tag @Pinksxo ( I have your info/address)

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Tag @thestarsandthesky :blush:

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Tag back!! @Pinksxo ( I have your info/address)

tag @thestarsandthesky

Tag @AnnieLondonderry

tag @aemenheiser2

Tag @potatertot

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Tag @roxy

Tag @GraceFamily

Tag @Pinksxo

Tag @aemenheiser2

Tag @GraceFamily

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Tag @anon72566616

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Hi all,

I didn’t realize this was North America tag only as I found this tag scrolling down the recent post. I prepared my card for @anon72566616 already, so I will be sending the card to her anyway. However, as this is North America only tag, please tag back @anon72566616 again, and disregard my comment please! Let’s say I was a bit lost :joy::joy:

Thank you!

Next to be tagged is @anon72566616

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No problem @bloomcloud. if you have sent card to US @anon72566616 I tag you.

Next tag is me.


Tag @nhigh

tag @bookendss


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