Mysterious post with stickers, sender unknown

Lately I’ve been engaging in some forum acitvities, swaps, lotteries and offers, and this week I received a few of them :slight_smile:
One of those posts was a colorful envelope, coming from the US, with cute 5 stickers or little figures (not sure if they are stickers, I saw them briefly before having to head off)
I have no idea from who they are, no sender and I can’t remember or find anything in my messages here, that leads to this.
Feels a little bit uneasy, and also I would like to thank that person, but I have nu (user)name or address.
Anyone else with this experience, or anyone has an idea who it came from?


Hello, it may be lottery mail someone sent you
Can you share pictures of things, covering your address?
And what is date on Postmark? You can check e-mail around that time, will find sender , also see if it has name of city and pin code mentioned on Postmark


Did you already look to your activities to find out from whom it can be?

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I checked my messages, because it needs to be someone who I sent my address to.
If I just replied to someone that I was interested, they don’t have my address yet.
I will further check the forum to get some clues…

I will share a pic when I am at home again, you mean perhaps someone on the forum will see it and reply?

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Yeah, may be they’ll see it or, you can find it with name of city on Postmark

Was it the envelope and stickers that I sent with the postcard you won?


I’ll pm you

Mystery solved!


Mystery solved!

Topic closed! :wink:

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