Mysterious PC messages in my mailbox - Did Postcrossing got hacked?

Hi to the admins and anybody who might help or experiance the same than me,

this morning my mailbox was flooded by PC messages from senders I do not know. In fact I received at 05:50 (all Berlin time) a PM from David228, at 05:50 from Feda, at 06:06 from Ilya228, at 06:07 again Ilya228, at 06:10 from Feda, at 06:12 from Hasbulla.

I only read the PM by David228 at my online mailbox and it was a request to contact somebody by Telegram in bad English, probably machine translated. I’m not about contacting anybody nor even reading those other messages. I’m going to delete them from my online mailbox right now before I start my mail programme.

I’ve read in the German part of these forums that such happened before but I’m really unhappy about the increasing numbers of this. Seems I have to check my mailbox online before I download any mail to avoid viruses or encryption of my PC. Bad game. Maybe there is help?

Thank you!

They are all from Gubkinskiy, Yamalo-Nenetskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug, Russia
They all joined today
They all have empty profile


This can happen any time in any program.
Spammers create fake accounts and send scam messages to other users.
Fortunately, the number of messages per day in Postcrossing is limited.
When you report the fake accounts to the Postcrossing support, they will be deleted very fast.

As far as I know, you cannot get a virus or an encryption by downloading messages - only when you click on a link in this message.


They can only send you plain text (via the official site) or text and simple images (jpg, png) via the forum - so no need to fear any viruses as long as you don’t use any of their links provided by actively clicking on them.

Please report them and then simply delete the messages.


Edit: mail in the spambox is best to delete and ignore without opening / reading.
Open door for most of us. But I forgot today.

Received simular in my spambox by sender roucost.c om Ekatarina_88

Content looks like postcrossing had sent is.
Invitation to click on several links, email including the unsubscribe link.
Lettertype as Postcrossing used.

How did they get my emailadres I wonder…

From country number 1 in cybercrime.

P.s. New members can not receive PM until 1st sent is registered.
Can there be the same for sending? No PM possible to sent until 1 or more cards is registered.

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So you received an email not from postcrossing with the message from that user, but an email that just looked alike?

Because - on the official site - you can send an email to that user through postcrossing (just plain text). If that was the case, they don’t have your email.

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I dont*t know if it has to do with this theme but today I checked my e-mail-address and saw that I received on 01.09 an E-Mail from “… Malikow” and the subject “Foreign partner needed” - I didn’t open the e-mail and deleted it… :

The e-mail was marked as spam…

Well, I openen it… but did not click links.

I would be better to delete spambox mails direct as @Sury write.

@Dande_lion: Let me reassure you Postcrossing was not hacked — I believe you have received some private messages via Postcrossing from new users who might be a bit lost and not quite understanding how Postcrossing works (or, they could be trying to send spam messages to random people).

Could you send me a screenshot (via private message here on the forum or through the contact form) of one of the messages you received so we could take a quick look?

Since all the accounts seem to be from the same place, I suspect it was just a new group of users (perhaps at a school?) that opened new accounts and got your address to send their first postcards to. But with the message we’ll know more.


That does sound look like spam, especially if it already lands in your spam folder. Can you send me a screenshot of what you received via PM? Ideally in a way that it the headers (from/to addresses) are visible too.

Not much we can do about those (as it already goes to spam, as it should), but still would like to have a look.

New members without postcards sent (and registered) can only send PMs to the destination of their still traveling postcards and to the Postcrossing team.


Now this happened to me too (today).

Three mails sent via the main site, the same region like mentioned yesterday (Gubkinskiy).

I’ve already contacted the support, because while two of the mails seems that these new member do not now that they have to send a real postcard, the third of the mails seems quite weird and like a real spam.


From the messages we’ve seen, this sounds like a classroom of students that are a bit confused about how “sending a postcard” works… :sweat_smile:

Please do screenshot the messages you’ve received and report them through the Contact form — we’ll have a look and poke the students in the right direction.


@paulo email not available anymore.

Thank for explaining how PM works for brand new members.

Sorry, not one of these mails made it to my Laptop. All deleted from the mailserver.

Even as I know that many people in Russia struggle to use English in conversation I would not believe in pure accident if so many messages occur in such a short time. If it might help the usernames still are in the first post.
Thank you for offering your help.