My Silliest Postcrossing Mistake Ever

@Schwarzwaldalex @Postcardhamster @SeaSparkle
You were right! I waited, did not resend, and all three cards with wrong postage arrived from France to USA within standard delays.
Now i will be rechecking everything once again before mailing.
I don’t feel guilty because sometimes i also use older stamps where a complementary one is needed to top up to the current price, and sometimes i don’t have exact count, and go beyond.


ha ha ha :rofl: I guess we can all meet on the same branch of the family tree (common ancestors :thinking:). I once got confused with stamps (in our country they are lettered, their value fluctuates with the exchange rate at the national bank), and I mistakenly stuck on 4 times more than I needed, oops​:woozy_face:. at the beginning, I didn’t sign the postcards at all, didn’t write from whom or the date :face_with_hand_over_mouth:, on 4 postcards I mixed up the address of the recipient and the sender​:face_with_head_bandage:, I had to resend them. I’m still in the learning process. and I also have a collection of variations of my last name, it even amuses me​:sunglasses:


Cool! :smiley: Happy for YOU AND THE RECIPIENTS! :upside_down_face: :clinking_glasses: :tada: :mailbox_with_mail: :mailbox_with_mail: :mailbox_with_mail:

@Tatie Thanks for sharing! There was quite a bunch of new stuff to learn for me, too :slightly_smiling_face:

So you’re not the only one learning from those errors you described. :wink:

I found:

…to be really interesting – had not heard of such a practice before!

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Please, notice this next time you receive a Hurray message or greetings on your card without your name: it is very cultural thing if the sender / receiver uses your name in messages. For example in Finland, we never mention the first name when we say Hello or Thank you. It is correct for us. I have never thought that I should use the name when I’m sending my thank-you-message. It has nothing to do with liking or unliking the card.


That’s really interesting, can I ask, would you find it rude if others used your first name? I have to admit I always do, if I can read it x


No, it’s not rude at all. But sometimes - if somebody uses my first name several times in her/his speech, it begins slowly be irritating. But only in speech, never in paper or in card.


@kotona @EmmaG Many THANKS for both of your insights + follow-up question => really interesting for probably quite a bunch of us :+1: :upside_down_face:

Edit concerning:

This is where I would differenciate – I had initially overlooked this:

SAYING “Hello” or “Thank You” to someone is different to me than writing (in one form or another).
If I am actually right in front of a person / am facing and interacting with a person face to face, I’d hardly SAY the name either.

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Before I went on vacation to Germany this May, I checked the “Stamps” Category since I know there’s a thread there with postage rates, and then double-checked by asking in the German language forum. Both said it cost 0,95 Euros.

When I got to Germany and went to buy stamps at the convenience store I always buy them at, which has a Deutsche Post sign in the window, the clerk insisted it cost 0,85 Euros. I’m bilingual, and from his accent, so was he.

Halfway through my trip, I ran out of those stamps and got to a real German post office (which are hard to find even though I was in a major city) and the clerk told me the correct price is 0,95 Euros.

Between Postcrossing cards and cards to family, I think I sent about 50 cards with incorrect postage.

Tut mir Leid, Deutsche Post! / I’m very sorry, Deutsche Post!