My life in letters & cards - book

Today I started a project. I’ve been through a lot in my life and I’ve moved often. One thing I’ve always moved with me everywhere: the cards and letters I received from friends, family, classmates etc.

I never knew what I would do with the cards and letters. But I thought it was a waste to throw it away. There is mail from relatives who have passed away. There are good memories. People with whom contact has been lost or changed. All events, moves, diplomas, birthdays.

I came up with the idea to put the cards in binders with plastic sleeves, just like the postcrossing cards. Today I started sorting the cards and letters, by year. I do not know the date of some letters and cards. Some envelopes also contain objects, such as newspaper articles. Or a photo. I also want to make a list, by year, with a description of the post. So that things are easier to find.

I think the oldest letter is from 1994. Then I was 8 years old. I’ve been keeping those letters for 28 years.

On the one hand it is very nice to see al those postcards and letters, on the other hand it is also emotional. I just wanted to share that I’m working on this.

Do you also have something similar with the cards and letters from friends/family?


I can’t throw anything away either that was sent with love, any kind of love. I still have love letters from exes I’m no longer in touch with. I love to remember the good times and have learnt from other experiences. I also have all Christmas cards ever sent kept together per year.
Furthermore a box with wedding announcements and invitations, one for memorial cards (and invitations for funerals), one for birthday cards for me and one per child as well, hoping they will treasure these later in their lives. And then a few more boxes for random cards, they’re actually big tin cookie boxes.


I have very few letters from family members, and the few I have, I treasure.

On the other hand, Postcrossing has taught me the value of postcards and snail mail, so whenever I come across a card that I think would appeal to my granddaughter, I write it up and send it to her. One year at Thanksgiving she sent me a school art project where she said she was thankful for me because I sent her so many cards :heart_eyes: So I think the next generation appreciates communications too!