Multiple profile postcrossers

I started to think something and was surprised I didn’t find discussions of this.

Multiple profiles are tolerated.
What if the multiple profiler takes part in the forum?
Should they only use one account, or can they write from different accounts? Even join swaps with their different accounts (like when you can’t tag repeatedly, but some amount needs to be in the middle of “you”)?

If one has multiple accounts, they don’t need to tell they have another, so they could also here use multiple profiles?

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What part is the lie?
We are allowed to send cards from other countries.
And you should register cards you get.
If they are illegal etc. you should report the profiles and Postcrossing team will look what they can do, but the sad truth is, there are so many pirated cards (and other products used), I don’t know what could be done to that :frowning: (edit. or if it’s some other swap place, of course by their rules then)

I registered his postcard, even though I don’t like it. I know this is a postcrossing rule.

It might be , Sophistry

Now I’m confused, was it a Postcrossing member and multiple Postcrossing profiles, or some other swap place?

I don’t see any received from Hong Kong in your received?

So if it’s another swapping place, there’s no use to write about it here, because we don’t know the rules there :slight_smile: and of course there you don’t need to follow Postcrossing rules, but always the rules in given place.


It was on a different platform.

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Yes, I first thought they were talking about Postcrossing on another website. But then, was it another postcard swapping site :thinking:

but these make it sound it was postcrossing after all:

Because if it’s not Postcrossing, why think Postcrossing rules, the Hong Kong member, and this receiver, both.

Maybe someone has copied the whole project with rules and all, can be. (Then it would be funny to complain about pirated card, on a “pirated” card swap place, and even talk about postcrossing rules :smile: )

I’m curious.
But yes, I think everywhere with blind swap partner, occassional card that is not so perfect will happen. I hope @Aaron-Alison will get super great cards next, to forget the one they didn’t like :slight_smile:

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I’d like it if a Postcrosser had two accounts, one registered to “Dr. Jekyll,” the other registered to “Mr. Hyde,” so that Dr. Jekyll could demand; “absolutely NO cat cards, all cards MUST be in envelopes, write something more than just Happy Postcrossing!”
Mr. Hyde could demand “absolutely ONLY cat cards, NO cards in envelopes, write nothing more than Happy Postcrossing!”
The best of both worlds.


I’d send a mouse card to Mr. Hyde, as food for the cat cards. :smile:


To answer your second question; it seems when we go into the pool of people who can be drawn, often times all due cards go in a the same time. Therefore, if someone is requesting addresses from two accounts at the same time, you risk ending up being drawn by both of them, as the algorithm has decided it’s your turn to be picked.


The last days I draw an adress of a member, who wrote on his/her profile, this is his/her second profile.
But since the account was created over a decade ago, it’s okay, I think.
I read about some people saw people with more than one account. But it’s written in the guidelines, that it’s not welcomed, but also not forbidden.

What if a user has four profiles? Isn’t that being just a bit too greedy? I’ve come across a user with four accounts.


Doesn’t that mean they have to spend 4x to receive maximum cards?


I used to wonder if multiple profile users sometimes did it to enter into forum lotteries multiple times for better chances. That’s unfair to the others who only enter once.

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I recently received two postcards from the same person who has two profiles; received the cards a few days apart. They even wrote the exact same message on both cards, word for word, and the same name. Their two profiles are very, very similar too, and they created the profiles years ago during the same month.
I know this screws up the algorithm. I did send a message to the admins. Now I just move on. I feel sorry for any new members who this happens to though.
I think if people are going to have multiple profiles, at least they should make it interesting for the rest of us who play by the rules. Different messages, different profile, etc.


@barryoc Were they on Postcrossing? If so, thats a good question to ask the admins.