Multiple profile postcrossers

Doesn’t that mean they have to spend 4x to receive maximum cards?


I used to wonder if multiple profile users sometimes did it to enter into forum lotteries multiple times for better chances. That’s unfair to the others who only enter once.

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I recently received, and registered, two postcards from the same person who has two profiles; received the cards a few days apart. They even wrote the exact same message on both cards, word for word, and they have signed the same name on both cards. Their two profiles are very, very similar too, and they created the profiles years ago during the same month.
I know this screws up the algorithm. I did send a message to the admins. Now I just move on. I feel sorry for any new members who this happens to though.
I think if people are going to have multiple profiles, at least they should make it interesting for the rest of us who play by the rules. Different messages, different profile, etc.


@barryoc Were they on Postcrossing? If so, thats a good question to ask the admins.

on another site working almost like postcrossing i found someone living in hong kong who must have 15 or more profiles (all empty) :scream: when he gets an address he doesn’t send immediately (or in the following days) as many of us do, but he waits until he gets the same address from 5 or 6 or 7 of his profiles, he puts all the postcards into an envelope with all the ids.
i received his envelopes 2 or 3 times, sent from china, where he probably pays less than in hong kong.
when i register these postcards i can see there are 4 or 5 months between the first and the last postcard (the dates he got my address) and 2 months between the last postcard and the date on the chinese mail cancellation on the stamps.
i got his address many times too and i always sent him a postcard, unfortunately on different days when my previous postcard was already sent or i would have used the same trick of his to send all the postcards into an envelope.
as far as i know, apparently he’s not on postcrossing too.

There is at least one person from China here who sends multiple cards from hismultiple accounts in one envelope.

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