Mrs. Ovsak's Kindergarten Postcard Project

I’ll send one from Arkansas.

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It’s a National Holiday at the end of May.


Mailing one from New Hampshire!


I sent one from Australia a few weeks ago- hope it arrives safely :blush:

I’ll send one from Japan.


Sending card tomorow, first thing in the morning!
from Maastricht, Netherlands, lots of Love, wonderful project :slight_smile: Star

I read on Facebook that you had to drop your goal of 700 postcards to 500, which is a shame. I sent some more last week but they may not get to you in time as :uk: to the USA takes 10-15 days, though often up to 3 weeks. If you repeat this next year I’ll definitely send postcards, and will keep a look out here and on Facebook. Give us plenty of notice and good luck! Wendy

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