Mozambique: Government Abolishes Public Postal Service

I came across a few articles which say that Mozambique’s postal service ‘Correios de Moçambique’ is being discontinued. The services provided by Correios de Moçambique will probably be carried on by the private sector.


Sad news!

I’m sorry to hear that. It’s the same here (South Africa), but there’s a glimmer of hope in the remark about the private sector. Does that mean only locally though, or internationally too? We have courier companies doing deliveries here within the country (at far higher cost than the post office, of course), but unfortunately not outside the country.

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I’m currently in Mozambique and just wanted to update on how it’s going with sending postcards from Maputo.

Postcards are available in bookstores, art galleries and souvenir shops around the touristy Julius Nyerere area. The Correios de Moçambique service still seems to be up and running - I visited their main post office in downtown Maputo today and picked up some stamps.

The cost to send postcards internationally is a flat fare of 184 meticals, which is a little bit on the pricey side! Postcards range in price from 50 meticals to 300 meticals depending on where you buy them, and most places seem to stock the same range of postcards.

Hopefully this information is useful to someone in the future!