Moving question

Hi everyone,
I’m moving to a new apartment soon, and see that I’m supposed to put my account in “inactive” mode. However, I know that means I cannot send any postcards. I would miss doing that. Would going into “travel” mode work just as well? And how long before I move should I do so?


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If you set your account to inactive, you can continue writing cards, but your address will not go out to other users.

If it is not possible that your mail will be forwarded to your new address, you should set your account to inactive at least 2 months before you move.


I recently moved, and I was on inactive mode for the two months before my new lease started. Inactive mode allowed me to draw other postcrossers’ addresses and to send postcards; however, my address was not chosen during the inactive period. In my opinion, having an inactive period of at least one month ensured that I would receive most postcards sent from very slow postal systems.

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Ok. I will be getting my mail forwarded.
My move is in about three weeks.

Then all is well.

When you change your address in your account, you will be asked if you want all cards that are on their way to you to be registered automatically.

You can then deny this when your cards will be forwarded to you.

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