Moscow spring meeting of potterhead postcrossers, 31 MARCH 2021

:world_map: CITY/REGION : Russia, Moscow
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE : Verkhnyaya Maslovka, 21, time-cafeteria “Platforma 9 3/4”
:alarm_clock: DATE & TIME : 31.03.2021, 14:30-17:30.
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN : We’ll write the special printed Harry Potter postcards!
:warning: Unfortunatly, we have some restrictions due to the Covid-19 situation, so the max. number of participants is 9 people, and all the seats are occupied to the moment, but if you want to recieve a postcard, please let us know!


PM sent

I’d love to get one, can offer a postcard from our local virtual meetup in return

I would love to receive a postcard

Hi, my vish list is in the profile. Please send us the postcard options for sharing.I’ll take a look. It is better to go directly to private messages.

Hi, my vish list is in the profile. Please send us the postcard options for sharing. I’ll take a look.

I would love to swap meetup cards