The June cards are rolling in!

Thanks @postcrossingMel for the meetup card. It’s neat seeing everyone’s custom stamps and recognizing names from the forum. It’s my week for meetup cards. I got two officials from Sweden this week, both from the same meetup!


Hi Liz @Alb ! I really like this card too. It’s neat how the image is faintly on the back side,really pretty. Thank you! I took this shot in Regina a couple weeks ago.


Hello Cory! This card makes me smile so much. So cute! I would love to see Ireland someday
Thanks @cpaige


Hi Crystal! Thanks for showcasing your town. Looks like a great waterpark, my son would have loved it as a kid. He was so into water. We went to the pool every weekend for two solid years.

Not much on the go this summer. My Dad’s 70th birthday is on Saturday & I’m hosting a party for him on the high level bridge streetcar. I have some time off in July and I’m hoping to renovate my bathroom a bit. New flooring & vanity.

Thanks @farmgirll

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@garvey thanks for the awesome Montana map card. I hope.we get to drive there someday too. Id love to see yellowstone. However its not on my winter destination list ha ha. Rule 1# no snow lol cheers Crystal


@moneill Fun Card. I totslly would have stopped but like you my mother probably wouldnt have haha.

@cpaige Thanks for the card from your holidays.
Scottland ireland are on our holiday radar…time wilm see. It sounds beautiful !! Thanks


Hello! This weeks coming :slightly_smiling_face:

@cpaige your vacation sounds so fun! I’ll now have to add swimming in the Atlantic Ocean to my list

@garvey Thank you for the Florida map card but definitely Go Oilers! What a game tonight

@farmgirll for the summer our kids want to take a ferry to the islands (but we haven’t decided which one yet)


Dropped my cards in the mailbox on Friday, hope they reach you all soon!

I got such amazing postcards this week!

@postcrossingMel thank you so much for the beautiful Vancouver Meetup card!! What a gorgeous photograph! The stamp is so cute too, I love it! And the Hello Kitty washi tape is sooo adorable!! I just love looking at everyone’s stamps on Meetup cards! I hope to go to one sometime

@JasonDavid thank you for the fantastic Inuit Nunaat map! I agree about it it’s good to think about our country from a different northern perspective. I’ve never been to anywhere in Northern Canada but I would really like to!

@farmgirll thank you so much for the really cool Trans-Canada Highway photography postcard! So exciting that you’re almost done seeding! Did your daughter get the farm a few miles down from you? I hope she did!

@moneill thank you for the awesome vintage Ontario Place!! I love it! I visited Ontario Place as a really young kid before it shut down, it’s actually one of the earliest memories I can recall so I’m always so fascinated to see things about it! The bird stickers are so cute!!

@Alb thanks so much for the super cool Jaws poster postcard!! The stamp is so cute too. I’ve been meaning to watch this movie forever now! It’s such an iconic movie and I love the music in it. I’m adding it to my summer watchlist!

@garvey thank you for the stunning Postcard Day postcard!! I love all the gorgeous illustrations! I’ve gotten cards addressed to other people before as well, I got one talking about someone’s wedding!

@cpaige thank you so much for the beautiful Fastnet Lighthouse postcard!! I love it so much! My dad is from Ireland so it’s my top place I want to visit! Your trip sounds fantastic!

Hope you all have a wonderful rest of June!


Thanks for the great card Jason. Sounds like you had a great Saturday. Today we are in a wind warning stage over 90 kms winds. Its crazy!!
I havent seen the neighbors cow go by yet!!!
Cheers Crystal

Happy Fathers Day to our RR Dads.



Back to the Future card from @Alb - thank you! I love that movie, but… Where is my flying car and self drying jacket?! :slight_smile:

Riviere-du-Loup meetup card from @ykarenes, thank you :slight_smile: This month I’ve got two meetup cards from opposite sides of Canada


Thank you Karen @ykarenes for your post crossing Quebec meet up card!


Good morning… I just wanted to let everyone know… I was away on the weekend so I did mail out all of my June cards on Monday 17th.

My daughter is graduating University today… 5 long years and she is finally a teacher… I’m so proud of her… she has earned 2 degrees one in psychology and one in education…graduating with distinction!! :woman_student:t3:

I have received quite a few June postcards… and I will thank each person over the next day or two… going on 2 days no sleep right now… love nightshift… :face_with_peeking_eye::hot_face:
Take care


Congrats to your daughter!! Whooohooo!

Congratulations!! Wow well done!
Sending coffee vibes your way!!!
Those nights are brutal!! Hugs :people_hugging:

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Congrats to your daughter!! That’s so exciting! :partying_face: :partying_face:

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Thanks Karen @ykarenes for the card of the Rivière-du-Loup to Saint-Simeon ferry across the St Lawrence - gorgeous sunset! Regarding cold water: my son and I had a quick dip in the Ottawa River last weekend (pre-heatwave). It was considerably chillier than I’d expected! :cold_face:


JULY is open for sign up!!

June group

So many wonderful cards to report:

@JasonDavid, thank you for the lovely reproduction of Franklin Carmichael’s “Twisted Pine” oil painting. It’s been a few years that I’ve been to the National Art Gallery but now you’ve just reminded me that I’m due for another visit. Hope you’re enjoying the heat wave. :slight_smile:

@ykarenes, thank you for the Postcrossing meet-up card from Rivière-du-Loup. What a gorgeous image - Quebec has such beautiful scenery. I also love seeing the Appalachian mountains when I travel east.

@garvey, thank you for the adorable panda postcard. It’s interesting how the word panda can be used to designate animals from different species. But they are both cute; can I have one as a pet?

@moneill, thank you for the cute monkey writer postcard. I love cards like this - and yes, it’s easy to lose track of one’s postcard budget whenever we see fun cards. I’m guilty of that, for sure!

@farmgirll, thank you for the great postcard of the Portage-la-Prairie sign. How cool! We’re in the midst of a heat wave here, but I have a few weeks vacation planned out over the summer. A few road trips are on the agenda, which will be nice.

@cpaige, thank you for the eye-catching aerial view of Derryname harbour and kenmare Bay in Ireland. The country certainly looks green so the Emerald Island seems entirely appropriate. I hope you had a wonderful time.

@postcrossingMel , thank you very much for the Postcrossing meet-up card from Vancouver. I have yet to attend a meet-up, but I’m keeping an eye out for a future meet-up in my area.


Me Please and thank you. Crystal

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Looks like Leah’s first card has arrived! Thank you @helloleah27 for your oyster card.
As you might have guessed we didn’t go to Edmonton for Adam’s grad (I would have actually met you in person).
Adam wasn’t interested in flying in for the ceremony, just send the grad certificate here! Likely he will be in Edmonton in July as his broken bone has healed now! He will practice/play with the Edmonton Stingers depending on the one month contract offered!