March RR

Thank you so much @moneill for the amazing and stunning Mordor postcard! It is fantastic! I was so excited to see it in my mailbox. I love the art style! My really good friend loves LOTR and we got together with friends and watched the first one on her birthday, I totally loved it! I’ve seen The Hobbit too and really enjoy it. LOTR scenery is just gorgeous! The fish wash tape is also so cute!


Three cards to report!

A cute cat from Alexander! Thanks @garvey .Yes, it’s always hard to know if a late snowfall will do damage to the spring plants. Cross fingers they’re safe. My dad just brought me some lovely tulips to brighten up my house.

Brilliant idea Crystal to get the leap year postmark! Love the card and the cute extra stickers. Thanks @farmgirll
I think I’ll end up sticking close to home this summer. My friends family cabin should be done being renovated so likely we’ll spend some time out there

Wonderful bee card from @JasonDavid
Thank you! Oh my cat is suffering spring fever something terrible too. She only goes outside in spring & summer ( she’s really an indoor fraidy cat who requires chaperoning lol), but she is ready to go out and I am not yet. She’s mad at me and does some light self harming ( rubs a spot raw on her side) to show it. I’m trying to play with her more to appease her until April


Please.sign me up for April @Stinkypaw

Happy St Patrick’s day everyone

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Hi everyone… seems like I’m always the last to get mine out…about half of them I sent 12th I think and the others I finished on the 15th… and I meant to bring them to the post office on the way to work and I forgot them and then I was going to take them last night on my way to work… but I forgot my phone… had to go back home… so no post office again or I would be late for work… they are definitely going to the post office today!!! Sheesh!!

Please sign me up for April RR @ Stinkypaw.:smiling_face:

Ps… I just re-read this… I sure sound forgetful.:thinking:


Hi Alexander @garvey… thank you for the RAM postcard and the birthday wishes!! That made my day… yes I am an Aries… through and through 100% so I guess I am -not rational- too… just like your wife… lol :joy:
My first RAM postcard too!! Thanks again.

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Hi Crystal @farmgirll … thank you for the one of a kind Leap Year postcard that you made…very nice and I appreciate the Feb 29 post mark too!! That was thinking!! And one more thing to be thankful for …all of the fun extra stickers and the decorating on the card… getting all of your postcards out on the 29th… so early!! One of these days I hope I can get mine out early… lol… take care and Hoppy Easter! … I’m hoping for some dryer weather for you. :smiling_face:

Hi Cory @cpaige … thank you for the funny “old” postcard and stamps… and I love the post mark from Fort Langley…and the cute little graduation sticker… I’ll have to show Carra… she is anxious to be done and graduate… I hope you and your family are doing well… take care.

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Hi Jason @JasonDavid thank you for the Banff card… I love any mountain cards… I love the mountains… hopefully going to go to Jasper at the end of the month…my time away from work was beneficial… I really needed it for mental health… nursing is exhausting… mentally and physically and working nights just puts the icing on the cake!! Good for you daughter… she can take her time… do things at her own pace… she has her whole life to do adult things… I absolutely love the mental health sticker too!!
Omgosh!! So funny the little notes you wrote to the post office by the stamps :joy: telling them how much the stamps were… I’m still giggling about that one! Take care and Happy March!!

Hi Meghan @moneill thank you for the Cinderella postcard… good thing I looked closer… all this time I thought it was Alice in Wonderland and then I saw the pumpkin carriage!! And I love your outhouse drawing!! So creative!! I actually thought it was from a rubber stamp!!
I hope you are well and enjoying the mild temperatures… because I hear it’s getting cool again this week…but…I want spring! Please.
Take care… until next month…


Hi Mel @postcrossingMel Wow!! Thank you so much for the Happy Birthday postcard… and yes it did arrive before my birthday on the 27th … thank you that’s funny about always having to look up the phrases that kids are saying since we don’t know what they mean… I always ask my daughters… because they usually know… but now even sometimes they are having to look things up and they are 25 & 23.
I hope you have a great Easter season with your family. I live all the cute stickers and decorations too…
Take care.
L :smiling_face:


lol, I had to look that stamp up to figure out how much it was worth! It’s bizarre how it has absolutely no value on it.
The Canadian Flag, 1965-1995 - Canada Postage Stamp (

March RR

Thank you so much @farmgirll for the AMAZING Leap Year card!! I absolutely love it and all the cute stickers were such an exciting and kind surprise! Really like the St. Patricks Day stickers too. My dad’s from Ireland so last night we had a great St. Patricks Day dinner of corned beef, potatoes and apple pie! I’ve been really enjoying the Canadian RR, it’s my fav RR I’ve done! It’s really nice to get to know all you awesome people! For summer plans first week of July I’m competing in the National Championships for baton twirling! And I’ll be spending time at my cottage and hoping to get a summer job. Sadly my uni’s on strike right now, so hoping nothing gets pushed back and I end at the end of April! So glad to hear you had a nice trip! Hope your crops and horses are doing well!

@postcrossingMel thank you so much for the awesome typewriter card!! I’m obsessed with it! I love the pretty art style. I really love typewriters and have always wanted one! Thirteen year old me picked one up from a garage sale one time but sadly it didn’t work very well lol! The stamp is gorgeous and the cancellation stamp is so cool, thank you! A letter writing club sounds like so much fun.

Thank you very much @ykarenes for the wonderful Postcrossing Meetup card! What a lovely design! I love looking at everyones stamps, yours is so pretty! The cancellation stamp is fantastic as well! And super cool Argonauts stamp. My great grandfather played for the Argo’s! I’ll have to check out the meet-up you mentioned, I’d love to go to one!

Thank you everyone!


I’ve received a Grouse Mountain card from @mezzanine2 - thank you!
We practically didn’t have snow in Toronto this winter :(. The only chance for skying was to go somewhere North…

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The mail brought forth one card today! Thank you Karen @ykarenes for your northern lights post card and nice matching weather stamp to it!
Spring has sprung here on the west coast 18-20C. We just came home from camping 3 days in the USA. I bought some great cards from Whitby Island so @Stinkypaw you can add me to next month’s RR!


Received @helloleah27 today.
Thank you for the Easter card (my kids love it) and stickers :slightly_smiling_face:
The big craft sale sounds like a dream!

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@stinkypaw, please sign me up for April.

@farmgirll Thank you for the handmade leap year card! I love it! And thank you for the extra stickers. :grinning: We still have snow on the ground, so I can’t even begin to think about working on the yard. When exactly does winter end in New Brunswick???

@mezzanine2 Thank you for the Grouse Mountain card. I hiked up the Grouse Grind once, but not in winter. It sounds like the perfect place to sit and write postcards! :grinning:

@AnitaGrace Thank you for the Stamp Collector card! I love this illustration so much I might try to track down a big one for my wall :grinning: Thank you also for the extra stamps - much appreciated!!

For anyone interested, here’s the link to the upcoming meetup in Rivière du Loup, QC in June: 8 June 2024 - Meetup in Rivière-du-Loup, Québec, Canada - #6 by CarminaBurana


Two more cards to report!

Thanks @postcrossingMel for the tree card. Welcome to the round robin!

A cool skier at Grouse Mointain from @mezzanine2 , sounds like you had perfect weather for the visit. Thanks John!


From @ykarenes, an American lady butterfly on a coneflower - nice one, and the big Grand Falls postmark is super clear, thanks a lot, Karen! I’m sure the bees and butterflies will appreciate your efforts this summer.


One card arrived today! Thank you Anita @AnitaGrace for your Derbyshire railway post card!


Thank you @postcrossingMel for the tree card! I need to learn tree identification to help with mushroom identification. I’ve never seen a self-serve stamp kiosk, or the stamp you used! I love the Votes for Women stamp you added - nice touch :grinning:


@ykarenes thanks for keep calm card. I love when the butterflies land in my flower garden.
I dont get many i plant for humming birds!

Today is the first day of SPring and its -20 with the wind chill brrrr!!! Have a good week.


thanks for the Brighton station. This era intrigues me!! : ) :heart: our geese are arriving but i think they wish they stayed wherever they where brrrrr. Cheers


Thanks leah. You make the back of the cards so fun!!! I like those crafts sales too. I do not get to many as weekend are usually filled with horses !

Happy Easter everybody!!


Received @ykarenes today! Thank you for the lovely postcard and cool stamp and cancellation.
Your mentioning about potatoes reminded me to use mine I purchased from Costco not too long ago :laughing: