Monterey County Meetup - Saturday, July 15th

I plan to be there. I would like 25 cards.

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Hi, I sadly will be out of town when this meeting occurs but absolutely love the meetup card! Is there any way I could purchase some to be sent to me? I can pay extra if needed for postage to send me some. Thank you!

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May I reserve 25 cards please?

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@Skeen so glad you can join us! :blush:

Hi there, I am planning on joining and maybe bringing my housemates along. Could I put in an order for 10 cards? Greetings from Santa Cruz, California.

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So glad you can make it! Absolutely! :blush:

Hey Andy!

I hope you had a great fourth! Will you be able to join us? :blush:


Hi Laura -
I have knee surgery scheduled for the day before, so probably not. The insurance company is fighting it, and I should find out for sure if the surgery is approved on Thursday the 6th. I’ll let you know when I know. I wish I could somehow do both.
Oh, and I got something special to share at the Meetup, whether I’m there or not. If I can’t make it, I’ll need your address to send you the goodies. You can send me a PM with that.


I’m so bummed I won’t be able to make this one. If someone could send me one signed I’d be super grateful!

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I can certainly do that. PM me your address. :blush:

I am planning to be there and would like to reserve 25 cards. Thanks!

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Hi. I’m new to Postcrossing. I’m planning to attend. I’d like 20 cards. Look forward to meeting new people. :grinning:

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I’m so happy you will be able to join us! :blush:

Unfortunately, I can’t attend in person. Is it possible to order 50 stamped postcards?

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The cards came out SOOO GOOD!!! :heart_eyes: Keep those RSVPs and card orders coming.


So sorry I will be unable to attend. Have one in the bay area!

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Sorry we will miss you. PM me your address if you would like me to send you a card.

How do I PM you?, @Earth2Laura?

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You did it right. :blush: Address received.

There will be a free postcard table at the Meet Up. If you have postcards that you would like to add to the free postcard table please bring them. I will be bringing the box of free postcards from the February Meet Up.