✅ Missing email notification on main page and forum

The same problem here since today - no hurray messages, no private messages, no address messages via official PC :frowning: It is the first time I experience such kind of a problem. I use local LV service - inbox.lv.


Same for me. No hurray e-mail and no email with the id for one that I pulled. I use yahoo.


Same here, using Gmail.

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Same for me no messages


No hurray today/yesterday, but registerd card.


I received 3 postcards today. I wrote 3 Hurray thank you messages and clicked the box to send a copy to my email. I did not received the copies, and now I’m wondering if the senders did not receive the Hurray messages as well. :pensive:


I’m having this issue to.
I’m getting neither “Hurray!” nor the ones you receive when you request to send a card.

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Also with G-Mail. Sundar Pichai possibly hates Postcrossing

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I still get this issue happening randomly and semi-regularly. As with many others yesterday too. I sometimes get no Hurray! and sometimes no id email once I’ve drawn an address. I just accept it as a glitch and continue, but I do wish there was a way to access what the Hurray message said…

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Me too @Cilla :frowning:. I wrote six hurray messages earlier today, with ‘copy’ clicked…and none of those six emails have arrived for me. Checked bin and spam. I’m using Yahoo.

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Me, too!
This card was sent without Hurray message.

I’m missing one “Hurray!” message so far…

Yes I too am missing a ‘hurray’ message from yesterday. I really hope once it’s fixed the missing messages will turn up. I sent a postcard that was special to me and a birthday card, I was looking forward to knowing if the recipient liked them :frowning: x

Same issue here. Switch to second email account didn’t work. Seems to be a problem on postcrossing itself :confused:

The same problem, no hurray messages and messages notifications from forum

Same, no more notification mails from Forum.

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Didn’t receive hurray and requested addresses emails. I’m using Gmail, some people Hotmail and others. Not sure problem with our emails

I received the last email notification for the forum yesterday at 6:42 pm (UTC+2) and I’m missing 2 messages from the main page.

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Same issue for me. I checked my spam folder and the social/promotions tab but the emails weren’t there either. It’s refreshing to learn that this issue isn’t just happening for me, hopefully things will be back to normal soon.

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no more mails here also…

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