MINNESOTA Postcrossing Meetup / July 30, 2022

Is someone interested in swap? I can offer some meet- up cards from St.Petersburg or anything from my swap- album Ошибка 429

I’d like to attend! I haven’t ever been to a Postcrossing meetup before, so I don’t know how this goes. When it says “Bring Postcrossing addresses,” does that mean “be prepared to send some cards”?

Thank you for hosting!
Christie :slight_smile:

Hello Christie,
This is my 1st Meetup and I’m the host :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Yes, there will be WiFi at the library however I thought it might go a little faster if you requested postcards in advance. Please bring stamps as I want to mail as many as we can postmarked on July 30th.
You still have time in case you want to order an ink stamp with your postcrossing name. Many people use these to ink their names on the postcards we will send out. I only know this as I have received postcards from these meetups and it’s great to see all the names of the attendees.
I will be providing the postcards for us to send.
I ordered my name stamp from rileyprint.com
Of course, hand signing is always a nice touch so no worries if you dont want to bother with a stamp.

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I’m not able to attend :cry: However, if anyone wants to swap cards I’d really love to receive one of these awesome meetup cards with signatures from local Postcrossing members :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: If anyone is willing to swap, please message me! I have many MNJohn designs, as well as various Minnesota cards, and LouPaper :blush:

I will save one or two for you, no swap necessary.

I will be there !!!

I ordered stamps from the shop and they ship super fast! I highly recommend the shop!

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I am very excited to attend, count me in! This would be my first meet up. Thank you for setting this up. The card is wonderful! I hope I get an address by then. Cindy

Thanks to Lynne for sending me a message about the event, as I’ve never explored the forum part of the website and wouldn’t have known about it otherwise. Inspired by her email, I have made my way to this thread. I will be present at the Meetup - my first one! I have the same question as someone else did above - do I request addresses in advance, then bring a list so I can send cards that day? Trying to understand the logistics. Thanks again for the invitation.

Yes, you can request addresses in advance (or “on the fly” from your device during the Meetup).
We certainly want to mail the postcards on that day, July 30th, so bringing postage is necessary.
I will deliver the signed and stamped postcards to the Hopkins Post Office.
Maybe we will set a “Meetup” record for the most postcards mailed with Postcrosser ID and without.
I don’t even know if there is a record, the important part is to socialize and share our hobby :slight_smile:
Woohoo, I’m pleased you found your way to the Forum!

I found this very helpful post from another member, I thought it would be beneficial to share it with you.

Sounds like there will be a lot of first-timers at this Meetup! Great! So here is what to expect and how to prepare:

What to bring:

  • a good pen! something that will not smear easily. You will be mostly making a tiny signature or symbol on a bunch of other people’s cards, so, not a big fat Sharpie. Don’t panic if you forget your pen I will have extras on hand!
  • a lot of Postcrossers have a small custom rubber stamp that they like to use for meetup cards. The key word here is “small” and also, if you do bring a rubber stamp and ink pad, make sure to choose a quick-drying ink that is not prone to smearing. Once you sign or stamp your card, it quickly moves on to another person.
  • (optional) bring some of your extra postcards to add to the “free pile.” This is a pile of postcards that you are welcome to take from. Everyone has extras, and this is a fun way to get rid of some while picking up some unexpected ones! I will have a “self-serve” swap table, you can conduct an even exchange or add your postcards to the free pile without expecting anything in return. This will not be part of the organized agenda, this activity is on your own preferably before or after the signing ritual.
  • bring POSTAGE STAMPS if you want your postcards mailed and postmarked on July 30th. I will count and publish the grand total, total Postcrossing ID and total Non-ID postcards mailed. Don’t add your postage until signed postcards are returned to you.

What to expect:

  • Most of the meetup is spent signing meetup cards and chatting with other Postcrossers. If you have social anxiety then the best strategy is to be a helper and have a “job” to do. What are some helper jobs? Things like organizing “full” postcards into little piles and making sure that they get back to the right person. I will have a drop box for you to place your completed postcards that are ready to be mailed.
  • How will you get your cards back / recognize them? To simplify things, the Meetup postcards will be identical when they are passed for signing, so if you choose to pass 10 for signatures you will get 10 back. Some people bring tiny stickers so that they can easily recognize their own cards, this is optional.
  • You can have any postcards signed/stamped by the group - it doesn’t have to only be the official meetup card, but of course, half the fun is the meetup card. If you choose to do this, prior to signing your cards and sending them around the table(s), make sure to put your initials, your name or sticker on the lower left corner so that we can know whose they are!
  • Prepare for the unexpected, enjoy yourself, go with the flow!
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I would like 5, if you have enough.

I am heading up from Rochester too. :slight_smile:

Hello from Germany :relieved:

would anybody of the participants like to swap with me a signed meetup card from your comming meetup? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Please send me a PM if like to swap with me, thank you :four_leaf_clover:

In return, I can offer you :eyes:

HzB’s swap offer __ signed meetup cards

or if you are not a meetup card collector :eyes:

HzB’s swap offer __ normal postcards __ sorted by topic

HzB’s swap offer __ Harenberg Calendar Postcards __ sorted by topic

Enjoy your comming meetup and have fun :fountain_pen: :postcard:

Happy Postcrossing :partying_face:

Does someone want to swap meetup cards? I have cards from meetup’s in Delft, Breda and Zoetermeer (Netherlands). Please send me a PM if you want to swap!


I plan to bring 10 addresses with me. I’m really looking forward to it!

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Great, I have 13 available to send.
I counted packets of 18 postcards per person.
I will most likely have extras, but we will pass 18 for signatures so as not to be there all day.
Thanks for coming,

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I’m emailing my RSVP right now! This will be my first meetup, I’m excited!

I’ll be attending. My first meetup and I’m excited!

I just emailed my rsvp.
I plan on coming if it’s not to late