MELBOURNE: 23 June 2024 - Pride Month

Ищу все три, обменники общий встречные

Looks like we have a bigger than usual turnout this time!

I didn’t order a large number of cards, so there will only be a smallish amount each (tbd on the day).

We’ll divide them up early in the meeting, so if you are running late and want cards, please message me so we know to include you in the count.

@helent Unfortunately I’m not going to be able to get there. I have set my Postcrossing account to inactive while I catch up on penpal mail.
I would still like some of your postage stamps cards blank if they are available. I could meet you sometime to collect.

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Sorry to bother you, I don’t know if anyone is interested in exchanging with me, I can provide some meetup postcards in Hainan, here are some of them, if anyone is willing, please contact me.

I’d love to swap for a signed meetup card (especially the puffy rainbow/cloud one!) from Canada, if anyone is interested!
Thanks and have fun!

Searching for this card.
Cards for swap: Обмнник 🥰 – 305 Bilder | VK

I will be there :slight_smile:

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Hi lovely. If I transfer you some $$ can you please grab me some of the pride month cards? Skye xo

I’ll be there!

A big thank you to all who attended and organised this :smile:
I didn’t end up making it as anxiety got in the way and I had to turn around, however I appreciate so much that something like this was put together for all who could enjoy :heart:

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Hope you make it another time.

Anybody want to swap

Hi, I would like to swap. I can send a touristic postcard from Sicily

I can send you one of the cloud and one of the face. Send me a message if you are interested :blush:

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I still have a cloud one or face one left. Let me know if you would like to swap :blush: