東京都内(新宿/築地)での Meetup - 開催地のご希望はありますでしょうか?

Hello, I am Yen from Taiwan
I can read and listen to some Japanese, but I can’t speak very well,
you can writing Japanese is ok :slight_smile:

I have a short trip to Tokyo, the hotel is near 東京都庁舎,
I have a postcard with the 7/21 Letter Writing Day (ふみの日) stamp,
Want to hold a mini meetup (3-5 people),
I would want to ask where is the suitable venue?

in Taiwan,
Our meetup are often at coffee shops or restaurants.

7/20 night, at the coffee shop near Keio Plaza Hotel ?

or maybe
7/21 切手押印 in 京橋郵便局
=> 星乃珈琲店 築地店 ?

7/23 小型印 about 切手の博物館「ふみの日」
=> 切手博物館 ?

Thank you for your reply. ^^


Evening on 23th July I can attend.


Place suggestion:
Tully’s Coffee in Shinjuku NS Building, near Metropolitan Building.

I think there is meeting room (reservation required)
But due to COVID19 it might be closed so I will ask.


thank you,
this is my first time live in 新宿,
I always live in 上野/藏前 before.

I find this coffee shop is great. ^^"

23日の夕方 is ok,
but I do not where place good for meetup ( near 切手博物館 ),
I ask my friend late. ^^

Do you definitely want to meet at Stamp museum on 23th?

As I have another appointment in Shimokitazawa afternoon so I prefer to meet in Shinjuku.

meet in Shinjuku is OK,
if other people do not join, only you and me ?
maybe do not use meeting room ?
pm you late.

7/20, when I check in Hotel,
I will go to there and check it again. ^^"

I’m asking somebody who met at other meetups if they can come on 23th July.

Thank you for your reply,
see you on next week :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I need to deal with some things these days,
so pm late ^^"

I’ve made a thread!


The thread that has been linked has been deleted. I would like to attend if it is still on. Can someone post here about it?

This meeting has been canceled,
and I have other plans!
I’ll be at the Postal Museum in that afternoon!

切手の博物館 エントランス
(〒171-0031 東京都豊島区目白1-4-23)

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みんなありがとう、日本への旅行はとても楽しかったです :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: