Meetup - Limoges, France - Monday, 9 septembre 2024

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Limoges, FR
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Les Allois - 2 RUE DES ALLOIS, 87000 LIMOGES
:calendar: DATE: Monday, 9 septembre 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 18h00 Central European Summer Time (heure d’été d’Europe centrale, UTC+02:00)
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

I am from the US and will be in France for a brief time, so am organizing a Meetup while in Limoges. We will meet at my hotel and walk to a nearby cafe or restaurant to eat, laugh, share stories, sign cards. 10 free cards (photographed and designed by dear @blikvanger) for each attendee!

Please RSVP by commenting below so we will bring enough cards and have enough seats at the table.

  1. @TwasBrillig
    2 @dams87
    3 @blikvanger
    4 @-Auvergne-Adventure- (2)
    5 @zaza19
    6 @mapcardcollector
    7 @MesseDomy

Hope to see you there!

And - apologies! - but all correspondence regarding this Meetup needs to be in English because my French may not be up to the task.


Bonjour, chers/chères Postcrossers!
Je serais très intéressée à échanger la jolie carte.
Mes offres :

Bon meetup et merci d’avance.

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Hi, would be there too :slight_smile: @dams87

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Hi, we would love to attend too.
Can we order extra meetup cards on top of the 10 free ones ? What would they cost if we order an extra 75 ?
Leo & Jonny

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I’d love to attend too

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I will be in France then, too, so I would be happy to join you.

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Hello. I never was in a Postcrossing Meeting. I enjoy to be joining you in Limoges

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Meetups can be a lot of fun!

We will meet and walk to the restaurant where we can order food and drinks, we can share stories about Postcrossing and postcards and ourselves, and we can sign postcards!

I am bringing 10 cards for each Postcrosser and at most Postcrossing Meetups everyone signs all the cards - some people bring a stamp and ink with their username on it which is easier than signing - and sometimes people bring cards to swap - nice cards but maybe they are tired of them, or have too many.

Looking forward to seeing you all in September!