Meetup in Tararua New Zealand

We would love to see you!! Can’t wait to meetup with everyone

It’s great. I will be at Mt Bruce on 21 November.
Thanks. Looking forward to the meet up.

hi, i’m 18 and i come from italy, would you like to make an exchange?

Hi, I would be happy to swap with someone :blush:
I can offer cards from the Meetup in Tübingen, Germany or find something from your wish-list.

Warm wishes,

Hi Post2Bubbles
I got a postcard from a German meetup last week, and everyone present signed it.
I would like to do that on 20 November.
See you then.

I’m Fiona, a birdwatcher from the US.

I would love to swap with someone for a card from this meetup!

Kind regards,

Hope everyone is still okay to meet up. It looks like once again we will squeeze in our meet up before cv returns to our end of the north island.

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Yes our table is booked. See you Saturday. Brenda :grinning:

Good Morning, Don’t forget our meetup this Saturday! :grinning:

Pukaha Wildlife Centre, 85379 State Highway 2, Mount Bruce :
:alarm_clock: 20 November 2021 1pm New Zealand time :
:page_facing_up: **Meetup in the cafe, table is booked under Brenda Cuff. There will be meeting postcards to buy or swap. Then we can walk around the wildlife reserve for fun. Feel free to make your own meetup postcard. We will post a pic of the cards once made. This is a meetup postcard I created for us! Got 50 to bring to the meeting **

Hello from Melbourne, Australia. I would love to swap with someone for your meetup card. Thank you :smiley: