Meetup in Rapallo (Liguria) on Saturday 9th April 2022

:world_map: CITY/REGION: rapallo (liguria), italy
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: rapallo railway station, main entry
:calendar: DATE: 9th april 2022
:alarm_clock: TIME: 10-17
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: we will meet at the main entry of rapallo railway station at 10-10,30 (it depends on the trains) and then laura @lallpall will take us for a walk to discover her city that hosted the treaty of rapallo in 1922 :smile:
greenpass is necessary :warning: for the restaurant nota bene in corso italia, 31 where we will have lunch and sign tons of postcards :smile:
maybe the tour will go on in the afternoon if there’s some time left after signing the postcards and before taking our trains back :smile:

Treaty of Rapallo (1922) - Wikipedia.

@lallpall and @Iside82 created the meetup postcard celebrating the 100th anniversary of this treaty :smile:
we are ready to swap :smile: just ask if you cannot join us in rapallo :smile:
italy can send again to russia :heart_eyes:

this is the restaurant (near the railway station) where we will have lunch, starting at 12,30:


Can Italy send to Cyprus? I would be interested to know more about Rapallo so yes I am interested for your meet up card. If you can use any 2022 stamp like Beppe Fenoglio or Tina Modotti I will be very grateful.


hello prodromos :smile: no problem for cyprus :smile: i will put you on my list and try to find those stamps

Hi! Great! I’ll be there, thanks! :blush:


Important history and also many famous writers spent time in Rapallo. Sibelius started his Second Symphony there.


Sounds interesting! I’ll try to come.


I will partecipate to this meet up, so if someone want to swap this meet up card vs other meetup cards please contact me :slight_smile:


I will be glad to exchange. :star_struck: My exchanger:

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I PM you

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Hola! Greetings from Spain! Unfortunately we will not be able to participate in the event, but we would love to have direct swap with you. How can we do it?


Hello @SpanishTopos ! I can send you a card from the meetup :slight_smile:
Sending a PM

Thanks To all :heart::it::heart::it:


Molto grazie, danke sehr, thank you a lot, @stefbot75 and all who signed the card that came to me yesterday.
Hope you had a good time, spero that I can join one of the IT meetings un giorno futuro.
Of course you’re invited to Innsbruck meetings (and the other AT ones) too all the time.

PS1: hope you don’t see my very basic Italian with my mistakes not as an insult, but as admiration.
PS2: around the anniversary, I’ve read an article about the treaty. There are some historians who draw a strong line between the treaty and the following pacts that brought so much pain over central Europe in the 1930s/1940s, with some effects til even now. On the other side, with treaties countries try to find a way to a better future, so of course they are necessary. Still, sometimes it’s worth to hear what the uninvolved parties/countries think about it.
PS3: sorry for the long ps2, but as we can read every day these times, history is political.