Meetup in Novosibirsk 14.03.21

:world_map:  CITY/REGION: Novosibirsk
:pushpin:  MEETUP PLACE: 24 Taiginskaya Street, apartment 57. Private library
:alarm_clock:  DATE & TIME: March 14, 2021 at 14: 00
:page_facing_up:  MEETUP PLAN: On the eve of the special cancellation of the first day of the “Flowers. Irises”, we organized a meeting of postcrossers! And we decided on the place! The meeting will be held in a private library, so we bring tea and cookies ourselves.

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hi @AnStorm!
I love this meeting card! Moomins are my favorite.
I was wondering would you like to swap with me? Happy to offer card from your wishlist in return :slight_smile:

Hi! I will be happy to exchange with you! Write in your personal messages what postcard you liked :slight_smile:

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thank you, I will!

Hello, I like this card. Could you switch with me?
My offer is here: