Meetup in genoa, saturday 21st may 2022

:world_map: CITY/REGION: genoa (liguria) italy
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: principe railway station main entry
:calendar: DATE: 21st may
:alarm_clock: TIME: 10-17
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: we will meet at the main entry of principe railway station at h 10 and after a walk on the ancient side of town we can visit mazzini’s house, museo risorgimento, in via lomellini 11 (optional, not mandatory visit), then we will have lunch at librificio del borgo in via degli incrociati 22r (behind genova brignole railway station) and time to dedicate to postcards :smile:

this meetup is a double celebration: the international tea day and the 150th anniversary of death of giuseppe mazzini, who can be considered as one of the fathers of italy unification in 1861.

Museo del Risorgimento e istituto mazziniano - Wikipedia (only in italian)

visiting the museum is optional, not mandatory :warning: entry costs 5 euros (reduced ticket at 3 euros for over 65 y.o) and can be an interesting experience into one of the pages of italian history.
postcrossers interested can join the group visit at h 11.
postcrossers not interested can explore the ancient side of town which is in unesco list, then we can join again later for lunch in this nice little independent bookstore and mini restaurant behind genova brignole railway station, starting from h 13:

La libreria – Il Librificio del Borgo

as many of us are tea lovers, we are happy to celebrate the international tea day bringing our teabags to swap at the meetup :smile:
in the following weeks we will show the meetup postcard we are preparing and there will be more info about the restaurant where we will have lunch :smile:

everyone is invited and we are ready to swap the meetup postcard, just ask :smile:


I will be glad to exchange.))

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How does this make this a Postcrossing meeting?
It seems to be a different social meeting but including Postcrossers to swell the interest?

Postcrossing Team

Hello Vicki @Mundoo

This will be indeed a Postcrossing meeting. All people in the meeting are postcrossers.
We always like to start our meetings with a walk in the city or visiting some specific place, spending time together and maybe buying postcards but also to show the city to people arriving from outside and to add something cultural to the meetup.

For example at Halloween we visited the monumental cemetery of Staglieno, which was also depicted on the postcards, or at Christmas we visited a church with a famous Nativity scene.

This time, since 2022 is the 150th anniversary of death of Giuseppe Mazzini, and the Italian postal service also issued a stamp about him, we chose the visit to the Museo del Risorgimento as our cultural moment in the meetup. And Mazzini will appear on the meetup postcard (still work in progress).

Of course, as usual, after the visit we will be going to a restaurant to eat and we will spend the afternoon writing and signing postcards. :slight_smile:


Thank you for your reassurances. Your meeting has been added to the calendar.



this is the meetup postcard :smile: we are ready for swapping :smile:


Hi! I would like to make an exchange for your postcard. Here are my postcards to exchange Irina Irinka | VK


pm sent

can we swap the tea pc meetup card?
im in ChangZhou JiangSu China

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Hello! I’ll be glad to swap for the meet up card =) My offers Yuliya |

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Che peccato non poter partecipare!
Purtroppo ci si è messo di mezzo un battesimo di parenti. :unamused:

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Hello! Can we swap for meetup postcard? I can offer: Offer postcards | Flickr

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Will there be a counter postcard?

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Can I exchange? I’ll send you a Soviet-style postcard☺️

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Where to send?

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Mille grazie, vielen Dank, thank you @stefbot75 and co-signers for the card from this meeting. Hope you had a good time, some good tea and some good discussions what’s still useful of Mazzini’s thoughts and what’s not.

As always, hope to meet some of you one day in person at one of the wonderful meetings happening everywhere. You’re cordially invited to Innsbruck, of course (25.06., start of autumn, start of advent …)