Meeting Schiermonnikoog, 3 May 2025!

We know this is early, but due to popular demand (and hotel reservations~), the next date was set.

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Schiermonnikoog, the Netherlands
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Hotel van der Werff, Reeweg 2, 9166 PX Schiermonnikoog
:calendar: DATE: 3 May 2025
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11.00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

We meet up at 11 AM at Hotel van der Werff. In front of the hotel is a small music tent called ‘Het Beukenootje’ where we will get together. After we all meet up together we can either do card shopping or, for those who are willing, go for a bike ride around the island.

13.00 we will meet at another at the Berkenplas for lunch and card writing. They have been welcoming us for the past 5 years and love to see us again.

After the bus for the last ferry, 19.00 for those who remain on the island can go to dinner to Duinzicht. They have some delicious food over there and we can still enjoy the company of each other even though with less people. This last one of course is an option.


The lunchroom is best reached by bike, and it might be nice to go over the island after lunch and write for the people who want to. It is a nice island, but it is mainly made for bikes.

In case you are not able to walk or cycle long, there are several options on the island to join for the meeting as well!
There is a tandem bike specially made for people who are disabled. If you need this, tell me and I’ll make sure it is reserved for the date.
Another option is a scoot mobile which can be rented at Soepboer. Also, make sure to be on time to make a reservation.

There are also 2 taxi services on the island in case you can’t walk or be on a bicycle at all.

The last meeting was wonderful with 30 people so I will put a max on 30 people again!
Do know that you bring small stickers and stamps! Bigger ones won’t fit unfortunately :<
Who’s going to come?

  1. Gait (Gytha)
  2. MariekeSchier (Marieke)
  3. Mysticalmy (Ymkje)
  4. Florisca (Florisca)
  5. Lucy73 (Lucy)
  6. Natasja12 (Natasja)
  7. Deeske1974 (Desiree)
  8. Specialhorse (Marianne)
  9. Andrea236 (Andrea)
  10. Leentjebuur (Leni)
  11. Annerie (Annerie)
  12. Nikietje (Nikita)
  13. Jess15 (Jessica)
  14. Jessie0691 (Jessica) (OVB)
  15. Jaynillo (Ilse) OVB
  16. Rosinchenblau (Annette)
  17. Miranda78 (Miranda) OVB
  18. Vroekman (Roelie)
  19. bora1976 (Marianne)
  20. Marjan77 (Marjan)
  21. flo_postcards
  22. Belske (Christel)
  23. Dpv1983 (Dina)
  24. pia-nij (Pia)
  25. Exploradora (Brenda)
  26. postcrossingbo (Bo)
  27. Blijdatikschrijf (Heleen)
  28. muppet450 (Rachel)
  29. Kwiksa (Jana&Jeroen)
  30. Melelo (Cindy)


  • DutchAngel (Angela)
  • Tilliata (Mirthe)
  • CreaMootje (Monique)
  • madeofthis (Annalies)

Ferry Times!
As this meeting is on an island, the ferry times are very important to know. We have the normal ferry, which cost around 17 or 18 euro currently. And we have a fast ferry, which is charging about 8 euro extra above the normal ticket. The normal ferry takes about 45 minutes and the fast ferry takes about 20 minutes.

Lauwersoog to Schiermonnikoog
06.30 Ferry
09.30 Ferry (Recommended for the meeting :slight_smile: )
11.25 Fast Ferry (Surcharge)
12.30 Ferry
14.30 Fast Ferry (Surcharge)
15.30 Ferry
16.30 Fast Ferry (Surcharge)
18.30 Ferry
19.30 Fast Ferry (Surcharge)

Schiermonnikoog to Lauwersoog
07.30 Ferry
10.30 Ferry
11.55 Fast Ferry (Surcharge)
13.30 Ferry
16.00 Fast Ferry (Surcharge)
16.30 Ferry
16.55 Fast Ferry (Surcharge)
19.30 Ferry
20.00 Fast Ferry (Surcharge)


Im in!!

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Ik kom graag

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I would like to join!


Ja graag


Ik kom


Ik kom graag. Nog wel even onder ovb

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ik kom graag weer


Ik kom ook graag!

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Ook in 2025 ben ik er graag weer bij!


Yes count me in! Please

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Ja graag kom ik ook! :tada:

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Ik kom weer graag. Wel ovb graag.


Ja lijkt me leuk, maar nog wel een ovb graag

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I would like to join again🤗


Graag, wel even ovb

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I’m adding Roelie here because she can’t seem to login for now :< But she wants to come :slight_smile:

Ik kom graag,nog wel ovb

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Ik zou ook graag willen komen op Schier:-)

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Count me in please!

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