Meeting on Ivan Kupala in Minsk 08.07.2023-09.07.2023

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Minsk
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Restaran “Vasilki”, banquet hall, yl. Nezavisimosti 89
:calendar: DATE: 08.07.2023 - 09.07.2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11.00-14.00 and 12.00-14.00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

Hello friends!
I invite you to celebrate the Ivan Kupala holiday together!

The holiday of Ivan Kupala is more than two thousand years old. Traditionally, the festival is celebrated on the night of 6 to 7 July. This is perhaps the only pagan surviving to this day holiday, which is almost not affected by Christianity. This holiday was celebrated on the territory of all Belarus, as evidenced by the Kupala songs.⠀

Specially for the meeting, a postcard was drawn by the artist Bella Gorodetskaya!

The program of the event:

08.07.2023 Meeting in a cafe, signing postcards, games and contests, acquaintance with the rituals for the holiday, fortune-telling, visiting the main post office of Minsk.

09.07.2023 Excursion to the Alivaria beer factory 12.00 Minsk, Kiseleva str. 30. Places are limited!

We will be glad to see everyone!


Added two more greeting cards for the meeting.

One card on the meeting 9 July


Hello Belarusian postcrossers! I’m from Poland and I really like the last two postcard designs and if anyone would like to swap with me, this is my online album: DariaAwaria | I always use nice stamps :blush:

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may i request you for a meetup postcard at my address in France. i will reciprocate appropriately.
wish you a great meet-up in advance.

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обмен найден

Добрый день!
А можно ещё принять участие 8 июля?
Или какой вообще процесс? Никогда не участвовала :slight_smile:

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Добрый день) Встреча открыта для всех! Приходите - будем рады :heart_eyes_cat:

Добрый день. Буду рада обмену на вот эту открытку

hi, if you still need a postcard from the meeting, I will be glad to exchange it.