Meeting of postcrossers on March 21, 2023 in the city of Stary Oskol

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Stary Oskol Belgorod Region Russia
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: A.S.Pushkin Library , mkr. Zhukova, 30B

:calendar: DATE: March 21
:alarm_clock: TIME: 13.00-17.00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Photo shoot, pleasant communication, and of course, signing of greeting cards

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Note for organizers (delete after reading):
- Always specify the timezone of the event when choosing date/time on the “Add Event” menu above.
- Your first post announcing the meeting must be in English, but the rest of the meetup discussion can be conducted in your own language.
- If you’re creating postcards with the Postcrossing logo, make sure to check the Logo Usage Guidelines.

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Cute card

Ищу: Обменник – 76 Bilder | VK

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Милая открытка, хотелось бы на обмен

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ищу обмен :wink:Anmelden | VK

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Ищу обмен

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Обмен идет в нашей группе, напишите, пожалуйста, там :pray:

Уже написала

Ищу обмен на красоту: Jelena Ostarkowa | VK