Meeting in Yaroslavl 08/22/2021

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Yaroslavl
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Museum of Military Glory
:calendar: DATE: 22.08.2021
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

visiting the museum of military glory and signing a postcard prepared for special cancellation


Ahhhh so cute :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
If anyone wants to swap this postcard with me let me know

Hey! I am ready to exchange, what can you offer?

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Буду рада обмену! Пишите в личку в ВК
мой обменник: ОБМЕННИК - Tanny Amsterdam – 118 Bilder | VK

Mp sent

This meeting postcard using the Postcrossing logo does NOT comply with the logo usage rules

One of the rules of usage says: DON’T Put the logo on a red or blue background

You need to change the position of the logo on this card please.

As a reminder please make sure that the Trademark notice is on the back of the postcards.

Please follow the logo rules.

thanks for the comment. we will try to change

Please replace the image with the changed one.

Отличная открытка!
Я поеду на встречу Дня открытки (01/10) в Тайбэе и будет послать работу, сделанную тайванской художницой.
Если Вы хотите обменять, я сохоаню 1-2.
Чувствуйте свободно сообщиться со мной!

Вот она выглядит. Надеюсь, Вам понравится!

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