Meeting in Rzeszow 04.08.2023

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Rzeszow
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Adama Mickiewicza 3, kawiarnia Hola Lola
:calendar: DATE: 4.08.2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 15:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

:exclamation:UWAGA​:exclamation:Miejsce spotkania zmieniło się. 04.08.2023 meeting będzie odbywać się w centrę miasta w kafe “hola Lola” o 15:00.

I invite everyone to the meeting of postcrossers in Rzeszow!
Two postcards were created for the meeting:

  1. A monument to revolutionary act
    In Rzeszow
  2. Pizza in Rzeszow
    Please read more on Facebook POSTCROSING Poland
    Bei Facebook anmelden | Facebook
    I will be waiting😁

Hello. I would like to receive such two postcards. Who wants to exchange? Here is my exchange

l have PM you.

As far as I know the meeting is canceled? That was the information given to us on the Postcrossing Poland Facebook page yesterday.
Edit: the information was given to us one day before the meeting by the organizer and there will be no postcards printed.