Meeting Bokrijk - Genk - 20 july 2024

Hallo, voor mij graag de vol au vent. Kaarten 20 x A en 20 x B, als kan graag thuis ontvangen. Dank je

20 A en 20B voor jo
40 A en 40B voor mezelf.

Graag vooraf thuis eventueel samen met maria mieke en jo erbij. We zien elkaar deels eind juni vandaar of zouden ze er tegen dsn nog niet zijn?

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Lunch Vol au vent
Cards 10A 15B - I donā€™t really need them before the meeting but if itā€™s easier I donā€™t mind to get them at home

Hallo Kristin,
I choose the Vol-au-vent for lunch en would like 10 postcards A and 15 postcards B.
If possible keep the postcards until the meetingā€¦ Iā€™ve already experienced a loss of 40 WPD postcards, donā€™t want that again :sweat_smile:
Dank je wel en tot later !

Hello Kristin
I would like 30 cards with the mill. May I have the cards before please ?
And for the meal, i choose vol au vent.
Thank you

I like the cards! For me please 15x A and 15x B. I like them being send to my home please. I like the salad for lunch. Thanks!

I would like 10 cards each, please. And the crispy fish for lunch. As for the cards to be sent to me upfront or not, I will have to get back to you on that.

Hi, can i swap?
I can offer cards from our meet up
or swap album

Or all cards on google

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Hello Kristin,
I like to order 10xA and 20xB.
Vol au vent for lunch pls

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Hallo Kristin!

I would like to order 10 postcards of each and for the meal, I choose vol-au-vent with fries :slight_smile:

Thank you!

Do you already have someone who wants to swap with you, otherwise I would be happy to do so :blush:

Hello, dear postcrossers!
I would be very interested in exchanging the beautiful cards.
My offers:

Have fun at the meeting and thank you in advance.

Hello. I would like to receive such a postcard. My offer

hi everyone! can somebody swap with me? I like the water card. Will be happy to offer something from Checzia)

Send me Your address and I will send You a card.

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Hello. I like this card.

Can somebody swap with me?
My offers

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@demi i like to exchange the card with you.

Dank u @Kristen voor het organiseren van deze leuke meeting. Eindelijk weet ik wie Dunja en Opec is. Heb een zeer leuke aangename ontmoeting gehad met leden die ik reeds ken en nieuwe leden. Dank je wel


It was an amazing day!

  • First of all thanks for the organization. as always on TOP
  • Second for all of you who were present on saturday

Thanks so much @mlandman for the lovely meeting-card. And thanks to all of you, too

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