Meeting Bokrijk - Genk - 20 july 2024

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Bokrijk (Genk) Belgium
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Openairmuseum Bokrijk (Genk)
:calendar: DATE: 20 july 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12.00 in restaurant “In den Dolfijn” region East/West Flanders in museum
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

Dear Postcrossers

I, Kristin, organise a Postcrossingmeeting in openairmuseum Bokrijk – Genk on the 20th of July 2024
The meeting starts at 12.00 in restaurant “In den Dolfijn” (region East-West Flanders in the museum)
Everybody is welcome in the museum from 10.00. Before and after the meeting you have time to visit the museum. (it’s worth a visit!)
You can reach the museum by train or car.
The train stops before the main entrance. If you come by car, you can use Parking 2
(also at the main entrance)

The museum has his own stamps for Belgium – Europe – World.

You can buy them in the souvenirshop.

The restaurant will serve 4 meals. You can choose:

  • Vol – au – vent with fries 18 euro
  • crispy fish with salad and fries 18 euro
  • Westhoekdish with cheese, ham, pate, white sausage, smoked ham, salad and bread 19 euro
  • Salad chicken with ham, parmesan and bread 18.20 euro

restaurant “In den Dolfijn”

To enter the museum is 13 euro. (groupticket but free with museumPASSmusées or Vlaamse lerarenkaart)
I will pass on your name at the entrance.
Parking is 5 euro.
We have a special room in the restaurant. There’s a little stair, no elevator.
The room is for max 20 persons.

Hope to meet you on the 20th of july


A cycling through water
On the backside there is above a small texte with Cycling througt water

B Open - Air Museum Bokrijk

Price of the card is 0,50 euro. I would like to know how many cards you like to buy.
I need to know this before the 1st of June 2024. I also like to know if you want your card in advance. After your payment, I will send the cards.
You can also tell me what you like to eat in the restaurant.


  1. @Thys : Kristin: 25x A and 25x B /crispy fish :white_check_mark:

  2. @mlandman : Marloes (NL): 15x A and 15x B :postbox: /salad chicken :white_check_mark:

  3. @paultje66 : Marie - Paule: 20x B /Vol - au - vent :white_check_mark:

  4. @Mamiielariie : Lara: 40x A and 40x B :postbox: /westhoekdish :white_check_mark:

  5. @Mieke1985 : Mieke: 20x A and 20x B :postbox: / Vol – au – vent :white_check_mark:

  6. @juytters : Jo: 20x A and 20x B /Vol – au – vent :white_check_mark:

  7. @NancyV : Nancy: 10X A and 10x B :postbox:/ Vol - au -vent :white_check_mark:

  8. @Jess-Cee : Jessica (NL): 10x A and 10x B :postbox:/crispy fish :white_check_mark:

  9. @Mamanclaire : Claire: 30x B :postbox: /Vol – au – vent :white_check_mark:

  10. @Jeke : Maria: 10x A and 20x B/ Vol - au - vent :white_check_mark:

  11. @Chacha58 : Fabienne: 10x A and 15x B /Vol – au – vent :white_check_mark:

  12. @Maedje : Yvonne (NL): 10x A and 10x B / crispy fish :white_check_mark:

  13. @ItsDunnies : DĂĽnja (NL): 10x A and 10x B /crispy fish :white_check_mark:

  14. @ferro : Raquel: 10x A and 15x B / salad chicken :white_check_mark:

  15. @Lotty vol - au - vent

  16. @Opec : CĂ©dric: 10x A and 10x B/ Vol - au - vent :white_check_mark:

  17. @Belske : Christel: 20x A and 20x B/ Vol - au - vent :white_check_mark:

  18. @Evike86 : Evi: 10x A and 20x B :postbox:/ Vol – au – vent :white_check_mark:

  19. @Natasjake : Natacha: 20x A and 20x B :postbox: /Vol – au – vent :white_check_mark:

  20. @tani : Tani: 10x A and 15x B / Vol – au – vent :white_check_mark:


  1. @ChrisArcadia : Chris: 15X A and 15x B /Vol – au – vent :postbox: :white_check_mark:
  2. @Kathleen1963 : Herwig
  3. @ezri2060 : Ezri
  4. @Pabalie : Pascale
  5. @schrizzo : Chris

:postbox: send before the meeting
:white_check_mark: payed

:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.

:scissors: Notes for meetup organizer (delete this text after reading): :scissors:

  • Your meetup must follow the Meetup Guidelines. Please keep the link to them on this post (already included above).
  • Always specify the timezone of the event when choosing date/time on the “Add Event” button above.
  • Your first post announcing the meeting must be in English. The rest of the meetup discussion can be conducted in your own language.
  • If you’re creating meetups postcards with the Postcrossing logo, make sure to check the Logo Usage Guidelines.

Ik kom graag, super leuk!

Heel fijn, je staat er bij :grin:

Ik kom ook

Heel fijn, het staat genoteerd! :grinning:

I like to join also with @juytters

I would love to join :partying_face:

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Top! Jullie staan genoteerd! :+1:

Fijn om je weer te zien, Mieke. Je staat op de lijst!

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super, meestal gaan we toch samen naar meetings dusjah vermoed dat die wel meekomt :slight_smile:

Ik kom graag. Zet me maar op de lijst.

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Ik wil ook graag mee van de partij zijn :smiley:

Fijn dat je gaat komen, Nancy. Je staat op de lijst! :blush:

Dag Jessica
Fijn dat je gaat komen naar mijn meeting. Volgens mij ben ik naar een meeting van jou geweest in Venlo.
Klopt dat? Je staat op de lijst. :hugs:

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klopt. Ik heb je net een bericht gestuurd :smiley:

I come too ! Happy to visit again after … 50 years !


Happy to see you again, Claire. You are on the list :smile:
The houses in Bokrijk are still very old. :wink:

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May you add my name in the list ?
I have the museum pass

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I like to join too.:blush:

Fabienne comes too. May you ask her at the list please ?