Meet-up Novosibirsk 10 May 2021

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Russia, Novosibirsk
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: John Gregor Old Pub, Lenina 8 street
:calendar: DATE: 10 May, 2021
:alarm_clock: TIME: 14:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: For the release of stamps dedicated to the Year of Science and Technology, we organized a meeting of postcrossers! We’ll eat, talk, and sign postcards. :slight_smile:


Добрый день! А что нужно для участия? Я новичок, очень хочется попасть.

oh, @AnStorm would you like to swap these both Moomin meeting cards with me please? :slight_smile:

This sounds like so much fun!

I am new to Postcrossing and do not know the customs. I love that postcard on the right - is there a way to get one or swap for one without coming to Novosibirsk for the meeting?

Enjoy your meetup, friends!

I would be happy to swap these cards if you want!

Would be happy to swap!

Добрый день! Напишите в личные сообщения, все расскажу)

Of course! I’ve already put the postcards away for you :slight_smile:

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Hello! Write me your address in private messages and I will send it to you :slight_smile:

Hi! Write me your address and I will send it to you :slight_smile:

aww, thank you so much :slight_smile:

How I love these cards! Is there a way to swap with you or any of the other members? I wouldn’t mind if 2 people sent me one card each. I’d send them both one in return.

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is there any chance to exchange?I want both cards,I can exchange with 2 members about each card!
here are my offers,some meetup card included :blush:
more offer:

Hello from China:)

I am interested to swap with this meetup pc

I can offer you Qingdao meetup card

Hi! Write me your address and I will send it to you :slight_smile:

Hello! I want to swap one of those nice and lovely postcards. I can send you my homemade collage postcard. :smiley::smiley::smiley:

Hi, can we swap this meet-up card please

Нужно просто приехать))

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Благодарю! Я уже все узнала.

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Wow! The Moomin postcards are so adorable!
Would you like to swap with me? I have some meet up postcards from Guangzhou or Foshan, China.

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