Meet up at the Newcastle Stamp and Coin Expo, May 28, 2022

It’s tomorrow! I cleared my calendar to be there! Looking forward to it and meeting those who can be there.

Hello everyone, unfortunately I have some bad news. Due to a family emergency this week, I won’t be able to make it to the meetup tomorrow. I am so disappointed after organising my first meetup and even travelling back to Newcastle for it (as I moved to Geelong about 6 weeks ago), now I can’t go :sob: But my family has to come first.

The meetup can obviously still go ahead without me, the organisers of the expo are expecting us and will have a table and chairs set up for writing postcards. I hope everyone has a great time!

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Oh! That’s disappointing. For you, and for us. But you’re right, family comes first. (Im heading down your way on Sunday.) Hope everything works out fine for you. And thanks for organising it all. Take care.

Hi can someone tell me the exact address?

Is it Newcastle entertainment centre?

Showground, brown rd, Broadmeadow?

Or the one on Griffith rd?



I have arrived
Anybody here?

Hi Gabby,
I am so sorry you couldn’t make it. Thank you for organising this fun Meetup and 5 of us made it. There was a table reserved for us and we signed cards, shopped cards and looked at the exhibition. Could you please give me your address per PM as we have a card for you.
Thank you again and hopefully we meet you at another Meeting.

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I received this beautiful postcard from everyone today, and wanted to say thank you so much! It made my day. I’m glad you all had a great time, and hopefully I will get the chance to meet you at the next meetup in the future!
Until then, Happy Postcrossing :slight_smile:

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