May 16,2021 21th Postcrossing Meetup in Xiamen

:world_map: PROVINCE: FUJIAN
:world_map: CITY: XIAMEN
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Jimei District,庚号九
:calendar: DATE: May 16, 2021
:alarm_clock: TIME: 14:30
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
Sand tea midsummer @Esther诗
Shacha noodles is a unique Xiamen flavor, and it is also an indispensable noodle dish for Xiamen people. The shacha soup base has a unique flavor and is worth a try.

Egret Post Box @岩岩syan @Esther诗
The egrets in Xiamen are inseparable from the egrets that live here. The “Egret Messenger” in the film is a bird of Xiamen city, and the “Bougainvillea” is a flower of Xiamen city. Carrying their meaning is the Xiamen Postcrossing postbox.

Gem wine glass @拾贰Mentir @Esther诗
The Western glassware in the Tianjin Museum’s collection is exhibited in the “Guang Guang Yi Cai” special exhibition in the Gulangyu Foreign Heritage Museum of the Forbidden City. It is dazzling and charming.



I love your Egret Post Box meeting cards :slight_smile: I would love to swap with you! What could I offer?

你好,请问怎么报名参加联名呢? :blush:



I just wanted to say thank you for the nice postcards we’ve received from this meeting — the shapes and illustrations were great, as was seeing your rubberstamps and signatures. :slight_smile:

We hope you had a nice time!