March 4, 2023 - meeting of postcrossers in Yekaterinburg

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Ekaterinburg
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Sushkov Restaurant, technical, 67
:calendar: DATE: 04.03.2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 15:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Postcrossers of Yekaterinburg will gather again for a cozy meeting, sign postcards and have a good time

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my pen pal lived in Yekaterinburg and I would like to send him a Meetup card. Would anyone like to write such a card?

с радостью обменяюсь!

Hi! We will be happy to send a postcard to your friend. What are you offering to exchange for?

Yes, unfortunately there was a small typo.
My pen pal no longer lives in Yekaterinburg but has moved.
If it is not a problem to send this card to me in Germany, I am happy to send my offers.

Hello! I would like to send you this postcard!

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Hello Catherine, that’s very nice, thank you!!!
I’m in Austria right now but I would offer you some cards to swap when I get home.
I’ll send you the address to which you can write the card. However, you can still wait.

address removed by moderator
please don’t make private data public and use instead the PM system of the forum

Many thanks

See you soon.