March 02, 2024. Spring meeting in Minsk. "World Cat Day"

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Minsk
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Cafe-bar “Palace Pub 25” at the address: Minsk, Nezavisimosti Ave., 25.
:calendar: DATE: 02.03.2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 13.00-15.00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Communication, signing postcards

I invite everyone to meet spring together !!! On March 01, World Cat Day is celebrated. Cats are a visible soul at home, because the time spent with them is never lost in vain. Cats come to your house to teach you love, they go to teach you the loss. Perhaps this holiday is celebrated in early spring, when the cold recedes, and in front of the heat and flowering of trees and flowers. Cats cannot be associated with nothing bad and even black cats bring good luck !!! A special, author’s postcard will be printed for the meeting. The meeting plan will be published here, as well as in my community by the link Новинки белорусских открыток, марок от Солнцевой | VK
R.S. The meeting is open to everyone. There will be no entries in private messages. You can sign up for a meeting publicly on the website or in the community.


Alesia, I am unable to attend your meetup but I am requesting one of your cards. I am trying to collect a meetup card from every country in postcrossing for a display at our state fair in September. I have 14 so far. Would you please send me one? I will return a Minnesota card (but not a meet up) to you. Thank you for your consideraton.
Carol Sherwin
16520 Baywood Lane
Eden Prairie, MN 55346

Hello dear Postcrossers!
I would be very interested in swap both wonderful cards.
My offers:

Enjoy your meeting and thank you in advance.

Hello Кarol! Okay, I’ll send you postcards. You will not be able to send me your postcards since the US Postal Service does not send postcards to Belarus, unless through another country.