Map by Country

Hi, I am using my own data of received and send cards within PowerBI to make a map of the world whereby I can see to which countries I have received or send cards. Would this be a nice addition to the “Mapl”? So not only you can see the city where your card has come from or is going, but also the country.

When I now check my “Map” some countries are really crowded and it would be great if you could make an extra filter… for now I will be using my own map. ::

Stay safe,


I must be missing something here, because I don’t see the problem. Here’s part of my map.

You can zoom in and out, click and drag across the world, and so on.


Hi, that view I have as well, but I would like to have it like this:

This way, you can easily see which countries you have gotten/received cards. This example only shows my received cards… but in my file I use three colors (Received, Send & Receieved/Send).

Hopefully this makes it a bit more clear?


That would be cool :sunglasses: would really like that

Interesting thread. I believe such a website has been created by one of the users (@SabinaZen).

Her website is at

Although it is her personal website, if I am not wrong, it fetches data from PC website to tessellate the map.
Hope this helps.


Thanks, that web page looks a bit like mine… nice visual. Yeah, would be nice to have this added to your own space here on Postcrossing.


Thanks @SimplyArjun for the publicity :smiley:

I created this page to apply recently acquired coding skills. Initially I got the data directly from Postcrossing. Now the emails I get from Postcrossing are parsed automatically for almost real-time updates :slightly_smiling_face: (and also for not creating unnecessary traffic on the website)

I was also thinking of creating an app to generate this automatically when you provide any other username, but that means parsing Postcrossing on and on again and I don’t want to have my account closed :smiley:


Nice, so whenever you get a message telling you someone has received your card it will automatically update your page?

I’m working with My TravelMap. So far I haven’t distinguished between sent and received cards. But as we are still in lockdown I will have time to do so.

Yes the underlying data is automatically updated from emails: the ‘Hurray’ email for sent ones, ‘Postcrossing Postcard ID’ for travelling ones… as for received ones, I simply request an email copy of the thank you message I write for the sender, but that of course depends on when I sit down at my laptop to register them :slight_smile:

Where is that nap? Thank you

A very good idea.

It would also be great to avail that data in CSV format, so that users can download, analyse, and plot them however they wish. Much useful information can be drawn from that.

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