MALAYSIA: Countdown to MY-600000

My first entry… :)

MY-41246 to Finland :P

29/9/06 = Countdown to MY-1234 (newrule)
2/10 = Countdown to MY-1313 (newrule)
26/11 = Countdown to MY-1600 (aliah)
22/12 = Countdown to MY-1800 (melur_draja)
6/01/07 = Countdown to MY-1818 (imajica)
16/01 = Countdown to MY-1900 (imajica)
20/01 = Countdown to MY-1991 (melur_draja)
01/02 = Countdown to MY-2020 (ketupat)
13/02 = Countdown to MY-2222 (newrule)
08/08 = Countdown to MY-4444 (fayrahim)
21/03 = Countdown to MY-7777 (aliah)
06/08 = Countdown to MY-11111 (geeanuar)
12/09 = Countdown to MY-12345 (newrule)
24/05/2012 = Countdown to MY-101010 (nisnoopy3)
08/11/2012 = Countdown to MY-122222 (newrule)
09/08/2013 = Countdown to MY-160000 (Mem)
??/??/2016 = Countdown to MY-299999 (carolinechia)
??/??/2016 = Countdown to MY-300000 (carolinechia)
21/09/2017 = Countdown to MY-400000 (Charlie_Dale)
23/06/2018 = Countdown to MY-444444 (nisnoopy3)


wah sekarang dah countdown berapa? @nisnoopy3

Saya sudah lama tak ada check. Sekarang dah sampai number berapa?

MY-500000 sent to Lithuania,
MY-544444 sent to Malaysia,


I received MY-557918 yesterday so you need a new countdown.

-Official cards travelling to: :us: 312 days, 205 days Expired :frowning: and today, :cn: 263 days, 243 days, 130 days and 94 days Expired :frowning: , :azerbaijan: 236 days Expired :frowning: , :belarus: 120 days Expired :frowning: , :uk: 55 days, :kr: 25 days, :poland: 18 days, :ru: 18 days, 11 days and today, :india: 17 days, :taiwan: 10 days, :netherlands: and :jp: 4 days .

-Last 10 received: :belarus:, :morocco:, :netherlands:, :cn:, :cn:, :cn:, :ru:, :ru: and :malaysia:.

On the 7th of March I received:

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Congratulations to @Charlie_Dale for getting MY-600000 at 4:23am on 1st of April!

We have come so far! Congratulations!

But we have to wait for the ID number to get register first.

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