Mailboxes in Flanders nowadays

Since December 6th is a very special day over here, our mailboxes look a bit different nowadays to encourage children to write to Saint Nicolas (Sinterklaas, as we call him). Children who send their letters, get a surprise box in return with sponsored goodies.

Do your mailboxes sometimes get a make-over too?

Edit: ‘Sint-Niklaas’ is a city in Flanders, and of course, since it carries the same name as ‘Sinterklaas’, there are more things to see and do these days. They have a very special mailbox made by students in vocational training. It plays music and has lights when it receives post and leaves a spoken message for whomever drops mail in it. Stuur Sinterklaas post via de magische brievenbus (2020) - YouTube


Ooh I miss living in Belgium!! Love to see this post! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::belgium:


Our mailboxes don’t ever get to look cool like that! I love that idea though. Wish the US would use that idea! Our fire hydrants do however get makeovers from time to time. People can just randomly pick one and paint it whatever color they wish.

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Haahahhaa… Its so cool… Really eye catching :two_hearts:

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Nothing happens to our mail boxes but kids can write to Santa at the North Pole & get a reply through Canada Post


Yes, our mailboxes here in the U.S. get make-overs, too, usually in the form of graffiti, typically artfully applied by street gangs.


Your post brought back a 1st grade memory where we put one shoe out in the hallway for St. Nicholas to fill. Thank you! :heart:


I guess that happens pretty much everywhere. I don’t really mind when the design is actually cool graffiti, not like your example. That is vandalism, not art.

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Yes, I’m aware it’s not art, I was being facetious with my “artfully.” Perhaps I need to start using emojis.


Nono, I totally understood your irony. And I agree that such vandalism is a real shame.

I’m all for offering workshops to improve the overall quality of tagging/street art. Some of it is shockingly creative and fascinating. This is just…boring. :sweat_smile:


I’m glad to say, our local mailbox graffiti is much more philosophical