:postcard: Mail Suspension Alerts

@Jellinge Can you help us find the source of the information? I had a look at their website and couldn’t find this update. Thanks!

We have updated the blocks for Malaysia. Thanks for reporting it!


Russian post doesn’t accept mail to Poland, Sweden and Denmark, because mentioned countries stopped processing Russian mail


This is already on the Postal Monitor. But thank you nonetheless for reporting it!


Switzerland does not send post to Belarus or Bhutan and other countries that are not on your list. Source: International informations

That notice is about restrictions for Urgent mail — that doesn’t include Economy or Priority which are the type of mail used to send postcards.

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Postal Monitor has been updated for:
Austria, Denmark, Guatemala, Latvia, Malaysia, Russia, Singapore, UAE.

@ManalSK Emirates Post’s “Get Rates” page has not been updated (It still shows no services to Belarus). Thank you for the report.

I have no official u.r.l., but today I received a postcard (in eight days): #Malawi normally ships to Italy, air mail !

(image removed by admin, since it contained the back of a postcard)

Postal Monitor was updated for:
Brazil, Estonia, Malaysia.

Questa mattina presso un ufficio di Poste Italiane mi è stato detto che non avrei potuto spedire la mia cartolina in Russia perchè il servizio per tale paese è sospeso.


Hi @Giansa, welcome to the Postcrossing forum! :wave:

The information we have is that Poste Italiane has resumed regular mail (but not other services, such as express) to Russia around March 19th. You can see the latest status here:


Maybe you can show that page to them at the post office or reach out to their customer service to clarify?

PS: This forum is in English, but you can post in Italian at #communities:italian.

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Postal Monitor was updated for:
Dominican Republic, Sweden

Thank you Paulo!!


I got an update from Faroe Islands.
Since March 28th, Posta does not send any mail to Russia and Belarus (as Faroe Islands sends post via Denmark).

Ongin postur til Russlands og Belarus (posta.fo)


Thank you for reporting this — we’ve blocked the route based on that page.

Do you know if that’s the case with all mail from Faroe islands? If so, we could block all routes that are not available from Denmark, but for that we would need to have a way to confirm that all mail is routed through Denmark.

Hi @paulo

I checked the homepage from Posta (posta.fo) and both for air- and sea-mail they write that they handle it via Denmark.


Ein sjófrakttænasta í serflokki við eyðsæddum fyrimunum. Ein trygg og álítandi loysn. Við egnari deild í Danmark er Posta upplagdi veitarin av sjófrakt. ( Sjófrakt (posta.fo)) - In English: One of the most sea-frivolous in a series of desolate countries. With a trustful department in Denmark, Posta is the ideal provider av sea freight.


Flogfrakt er rætta loysnin, tá tað skal ganga við rúkandi ferð tvørtur um landamørk. Posta hevur hollar royndir við flogfrakt, og vit hava skipað okkum soleiðis, at vit eru til staðar til hvørja fráferð og lending á Flogvøllinum. Eisini ber til at vitja heimasíðuna hjá Posta Logistics í Danmark. ( Flogfrakt (posta.fo)) - In English: Airmail is the solution for fast connection between countries. Posta has good connections and routes which allows us to send and receive airmail through the International Airport for flights coming from Denmark. For more information you can visit the homepage of Posta Logistics in Denmark.

According to this information I found on their homepage, I assume as there are the same restrictions for Faroe Islands as there are for Denmark. I hope this helps you.


Can you tell me if mail service from the Philippines to Canada is suspended? Canada Post says mail is travelling from Canada to the Philippines, but not vice versa. Is this true?


That sounds correct. You can check the current suspended destinations for all countries on the Postal Monitor.

We know it’s hard to wrap one’s head around the fact that mail flows are not necessarily bidirectional… but that is how it is. Sometimes mail can go to from country A to country B using a specific airline, but from country B to country A it goes through another one, or through a different path altogether.

Brazil not sending mail to TAIWAN since April 29, 2022

Unfortunatly just more bans instead of open doors.

I asked a postal worker from the central post office. She said that Phlpost does accept ordinary mails and postcards to Canada. They forgot to put that in their list of accepted countries for ordinary mails because it is assumed that if they can send EMS to a country, they wil have no problem sending to that country with ordinary mails.