[Lottery] North American Winner of the Month (NA-WOTM) May 2024

:tada:How to enter:

  • Post in this thread (or send me a private message) that you would like to play, and I’ll send you the winner’s address. Remember, it’s a SURPRISE, so don’t tell them!
  • Choose a postcard to send the winner. (Check their Postcrossing profile for postcards they like.)
  • IMPORTANT: Be sure to clearly write YOUR usernameon the card and include your complete name and your address (a return address label is perfect) so that you can be entered into next month’s drawing.
  • Also write NA WOTM + month & year on the card (NA WOTM May 2024).
  • Mail the card to this month’s winner ASAP once you receive the address, and you’ll be eligible to win if your postcard arrives on or before the last day of the month (May 31, 2024).
  • At the end of the month, this month’s NA WOTM will choose a random card from all eligible cards they received and that person will be the winner for next month.
  • The current winner will also pick a “pseudo-winner", or decoy. This is the person whose address the real winner will be given so that it will remain a surprise to the real winner until the postcards start showing up.
  • You can only win once in a rolling 12-month cycle, but please send a card to the current winner!

Send this month’s winner one postcard for your chance to be the NA Winner of the Month for next month, June 2024!

:tada: GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN! :tada:

Previous Winners:
April 2024 - NAMsMommy - 13 +1
Mar 2024 - blubay2021 - 14
Feb 2024 - ladybug513 - 19
Jan 2024 - sarahaeyo - 16+1
Dec 2023 - MsKoby - 8+1
Nov 2023 - Annazon - 10+1
Oct 2023 - twinb99 - 11
Sept 2023 - AlohaJoe - 13 + 1
Aug 2023 - TravelWithMe - 11 + 1
July 2023 - MuddyPawPrints - 11
June 2023 - breeze2902 - 12 + 1
May 2023 - sannah82- 18


Please share the address

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May I have the address, please?

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Yes, please! I’d love to send a card.

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I’d like the address please

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May I get the address please? Thank you!

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may i have the address?

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May I please have the address?

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I’d like to play!

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Address has been sent to all the above (If I :heart: your post, I sent the address) =)

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Please send me the address. Thanks!

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Address please! Thank you!

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Please send me the address!

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address has been sent to all the above

Yay!! I’m a winner!!! 5 cards received:

@StephofYorktown I have this book. It is funny. Now I can send out this card. My oldest will be 28 in June. Thanks!

@NAMsMommy thanks for making me a winner!! Lol. Thank you for the roses.

Thanks for the pretty view of White Sands National Park.

@uconn thanks for a new VW card! And the old stamps.

@Annazon thanks for the VT map. My daisy gardenia is in full bloom and smells amazing.
Here it is:


3 more cards found their way to me.

@ladybug513 sent me a new for my collection map

Only since 2013? Is that when you joined PC?

@SharonMI sent me Bonanza Falls found south of Silver City, MI in the UP.

Interesting color of the water. Is it this color year round or only during the spring thaw?

@TravelWithMe sent a card of Gateway Arch NP

I have 2 cats… Robin and Wren. They like to look out the window and haven’t tried to dash out the door.

Thank you all for the great cards and older stamps!

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@nhigh it looks like I joined in November of 2010. Can’t believe I’ve been postcarding for over 13 years!

Received a card from @Hazygirl on June 13, postmarked May 13.

Thank you JoAnn!

Received a card today postmarked May 11 from


Thanks for the great card!

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