✿ LOTTERY ✿ North America Winner of the Month (NA WOTM) ✿ DECEMBER 2020 ✿


✿ North America Winner of the Month (NA WOTM)


The winner for December 2020 has been randomly chosen, and the NA WOTM lottery is now open!

Send this month’s winner one postcard for your chance to be the NA Winner of the Month for January 2021!

How to enter:

● Post in this thread (or send me a private message) that you would like to play, and I’ll send you the winner’s address. It’s a SURPRISE!

● Choose a postcard to send them. (Check their Postcrossing profile for postcards they like.)

● IMPORTANT: Be sure to clearly write YOUR username on the card and include your complete name and address (a return address label is perfect).

● Also write NA WOTM + month & year on the card (NA WOTM December 2020).

● Mail the card to this month’s winner, and you’ll be eligible to win if your postcard arrives on or before the last day of the month.

● At the end of the month, this month’s NA WOTM will choose a random card from all eligible cards and that person will be the winner for the next month.

● The current winner will also pick a “pseudo-winner,” or decoy. This is the person whose address the real winner will be given so that it will remain a surprise to the real winner until the postcards start showing up.

● You can only win once in a rolling 12-month cycle, but please send a card to the current winner!

Good luck and have fun!

Previous Winners:

November 2020 - MeaganMS - 13

October 2020 - TravelWithMe - 11

September 2020 - Knerq - 9

August 2020 - littleredtamale - 8

July 2020 - PamUSAOhio - 14

June 2020 - ladybug513 - 9

May 2020 - ChaelaMonstah - 5

April 2020 - jocrafts - 8

March 2020 - Kristina333 - 7

February 2020 - wayness - 7

January 2020 - sannah82 - 7 (+1 arriving in Feb)

December 2019 - hkappespc

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Hi! Can I get the address please? :sparkling_heart:

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Hi! I’d like this month’s address, too, please :slight_smile:

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Address sent to @anon12983924 and @KristinaGisela!

Please send me the address!

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Address sent to @sannah82

Hi Meagan! Can I get the address please?

Address sent to @anon2074034

Can I get the address? Thanks!

Address sent to @twinb99

May I have the address for this month? Thank you!

I’d like the address, too, please!

I’d like to have the winner’s address. Thanks! :blush:

Address sent to @Beachyblonde, @TravelWithMe, and @Bethmnie

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I’d like to play too, please send me the address :relaxed:

Please send address. Thank you!

Please send me the winner’s address!

WHEEEE !! I do believe I am the winner as I have received 5 cards!

@KristinaGisela sent a lovely Wisconsin map card. I grew up in Iowa and as a kid we would go to the Dells on occasion for my parent’s church function. It was really sweet to get your card. ps.s you did not supply me with your address, so please send it to me in a DM.

@anon2074034 sent one of my ‘favorited’ cards, a Japanese wood block print. I use spotify for my yoga classes so my top songs were all peaceful yoga songs. Tabla Breath by Benjy Werthheimer was the top one for me…a bit different than your Post Malone, haha!

@Beachyblonde sent me a politcal card with the reminder that No One is Above the Law. Let’s hope that is true! Whidbey is great, I have only been there once as there are so many islands here to explore!

@twinb99 sent a very playful squirrel card. My husband is a nut for squirrels and he always has to look at any squirrel card I receive. Thanks for sharing your travels. Italy is on my list…but most likely I will get to Arizona this winter and Italy will be a ways off for me.

@sannah82 sent a Black Bear card - one day I hope to be able to touch a friendly bear…I am glad to hear you are able to get a break from your 4 year old once in a while, I think every parent needs some quiet now and again.


Congratulations @travelingyogibear! Enjoy your month of cards. :slight_smile:

Address sent to @Sleep, @ladybug513, and @jm1122

May I have the winner’s address? :slight_smile: