Looking for Penpal in Finland

Dear finnish-community,
I am Anna, almost 36 yrs. old and from Germany. My husband is finnish (but speaks perfectly german - hooray :)) and I am trying to learn the language which is argh, can’t even describe how hard :slight_smile: So I am looking for someone who might want to exchange postcards with me so I can dig into the language a bit more. Whenever I receive a postcard written in finnish I am trying to find out what it says without help and am reading it aloud. Also “Deepl” helps me then with responding and I feel (and my husband agrees) that it is a huge help.

Feel free to look into my profile and maybe our interest match - In case you would like to be my penpal I would be happy if you would send me a message :slight_smile:

Sunny Greetings,

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sending pm :laughing:

Hello Anna,
I’m Satu-Marja from southern part of Finland. I’m a newbie at Postcrossing :postcrossing:, I started couple of months ago, on March, and this is so much fun.
I was wondering if you are still loooking for a postcard penpal, cause I’m interested in it.

Have a wondeful day!
Satu-Marja :smile: